Hi everyone.
Umm, pretty much what the title says really. For a long time now a lot of players in Sheffield have been unhappy with UFS (nothing to do with the support from Steve or the players in the UK, both of which are great), and this has been steadily getting worse for the last few months.
I'm not going to go into too much detail here, a brief explanation is that most of my players were unhappy with the endless control wars of block four, but hate block five just as much due to the lack of interactivity in it. Most of the Sheffield players were in Patriot Games recently and we agreed to stop running events. Another major factor was concern over the future of UFS and the likelihood of further sets and support.
On a personal note, I have been playing UFS since set one and I am truly saddened that in Sheffield the game has reached this point. I have spent a lot of my spare time travelling around the UK playing UFS and have played it at most of the shops in the UK. I have met so many fantastic people and had so many fantastic experiences it would be impossible to list them all here, but I would like to say a big thank you to all of the players in the UK and especially to Steve Graham and Kevin Beadle for making the UFS community the most friendly and fun one I have ever found in the 30+ card games I have played.
I sincerely hope that all the remaining UFS players continue to enjoy and support the game and that there is still plenty more UFS to come in the future. The last Sheffield event will be a farewell event in January (since I have a massive pile of promos and nothing to do with them) : ), and if anyone would like to visit us they're more than welcome.
I will be logging into the forums less often from now on, but any PMs sent to me will still reach me as they are sent directly to my e-mail address. If anyone would like my address it is [email protected].
Finally, most of the Sheffield players have moved to Legend of the Five Rings as our main game, so we will still be turning up at various places in the UK and especially at conventions, so please come over and say hi!
- Ross