Ghost and Leap

By Graf, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can a figure with ghost be affected from a leap attack that starts on a space not adjacant to the ghost-figure?

Good question. The description of Leap says the creature makes an attack "as it goes by." Whether that means the attack originates in a space adjacent to the target or not, I'm unsure. I know there have been other questions regarding Leap attacks and Guard, etc. Does anyone remember something of those rulings that might shed light on this one?

From the FAQ:

Q:Does Leap affect a figure with Ghost?
A:No, as a Leap attack is performed when the figure is adjacent, either on the ground or in the air.

I had never noticed this one before, I have to admit.

Thank you for the answer.

I searched in the FAQ for this, but I must have overlooked it, for whatever reasons.

Edited out stupidity on my part. Awesome.