Loragorns refresh action

By Mazarbul, in Rules questions & answers

I just watched Seastans latest youtube movie, the Boromir duo deck vs Carn Dûm.

I just learned that Aragorns action can be triggered once per game per player, and not only for the deck that Aragorn is in. I would say it's not that obvious just by reading the card, is there any clarification to be found anywhere regarding this or did everyone but me get that?

It's in the FAQ:

(1.51) Limitations on card effects

When a card with a triggered effect has a limit on the number of times that effect can be triggered (i.e. “Once per round,” “Limit 3 times per phase,” etc.), the limit is specific to that card. However, if a card has a limit of “once per game,” that limitation is specific to the player who triggered it.


No worries. As far as I remember it was originally a question about more than one player using Landroval's ability. Then once Desperate Alliance came out, Lore Aragorn had to be treated in the same way.

I think the only other card you can do it with is hero Galdor's action to draw 6 if you have no cards in your hand. That could be pretty useful in multiplayer as well. :)

That's indeed useful to know. Thanks again!