Grotesque Viability

By SpawnGarret, in BattleLore

Out of all Uthuk units, this one I can hardly imagine a use case for. What is the scenario, when it would be better to take these guys than anybody else (Obscene, Harvesters etc)? I really want to see then in a battlefield, but can't really see why would I take them instead smb else

Meh, I take them sometimes for Mass Transit, and they are still better than Obscenes.

In my opinion, they are one of the two most underpowered units in the game. I actually like obscenes quite a lot. But just comparing to other elite units they seem pretty bad. I personally just houserule it so they can bone blast AND advance so it's like an odd little version of pursue and that seems to help them a bit. Even then, they still seem slightly weak to me, but they become more easily playable.

Meh, I take them sometimes for Mass Transit, and they are still better than Obscenes.

Why do you consider Grotesques better than obscenes? In my opinion, even the 4-point melee-units are stronger than Grotesques. The attac is low-end for an elite unit. The abilities are meeee. Bleeding is way weaker than the stun ability of Golems and easy to remove (marker are generally to easy to remove in my opinion - they could describe all markers with "your enemy loses 2 lore or just ignores the marker" :unsure: ). And the ranged attack is extremly situativ... i agree with Willange that they should at least be able to move and shoot (and they would still be underwhelming imo).

Obscenes are not bad. They have a quasi movement of 2, 4 dices attac and they have a usefull ability... So I do quite like them to guard a VP-hex. If they are attacked and have to retreat, you have a good Chance to make the attacking unit retreat also by the backstrike, so that they can't get the VP...

Edited by phalgast