Enemies Beyond - Flamer of Tzeentch's Warpflame

By Popdart, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I was flipping through the section on the various Chaos gods and daemons and stuff when I came across the Flamer of Tzeentch and its Warpflame attack. My specific question is regarding its RoF which is listed as -/-/6. I've never seen any other spray type weapons that can fire more than a single shot so I'm unsure if this is a typo or if this is how it was intended. If this is how Warpflame is supposed to work, how would you rule the full-auto spray attack? Would you grant the target/s a +20 bonus to their Agility test but have them get hit multiple times based on their DoF or would some other way be more appropriate?

Oh ****... that's a trick one. If we go purely by the RAW then the rules that apply would be:
Spray (Core 149), Full Auto Burst (Core 221), and Evading Multiple Attacks, AoE, etc. (Core 220)

Starting with Spray, no Ballistic Skill Test would be required and the Warpflame attack would hit all targets within 20m in a 30° arc as per usual. Because of this, a lot of the Full Auto Burst action falls away, such as the -10 to BS as well as the 94 Jam result, seeing as how the Warpflame jams on any damage roll of 9 (hurr hurr Tzeentch).

However... because no Ballistic Skill roll is made, the Flamer can never hit more than once, since the extra shots only occur when the firing character gains enough DoS on the target. Following this the standard rules for evading Area of Effect attacks would come into play as per usual for Spray weapons.

As such, without an official FAQ it would seem the Flamer only gets one attack with his Warpflame weapon that functions exactly like a stock-standard flamethrower... with Warp Weapon.

Well played FFG. :)

Edited by SCKoNi

That whole post just reinforces my belief that FFG doesn't understand their own game.

I would say that the flamer shoots out 6 different flame templates.

I think it's just a mistake. It's not supposed to have spray. They even gave it a high ballistic skill.

Edited by Utherix