Finding a hiding Jedi padawan

By TheSlayer, in Game Masters

Hi all,

I have written now 8 Episodes for my group of 4-5 players but now i am struggling with part 2 of Episode 9. Hopefully you can help me here. Be warned that there will be a bit of text :)

Introduction (what happened):

The group contains of these chars:

Female smuggler and force sensitive: taken as apprentice of Inquisitor Antinnes Treymayne. She is drifting to the dark side slowly. Right now she only encountered an apprentice of Jerec (who is in my story a rival of Antinnes to be named High Inquisitor).

Male Bounty Hunter: He is the mentor and somewhat father figure for the female smuggler. from a morality side he is not willing to slaughter innocent people, but if the price is right he goes for a capture/kill.

Male Twi'lek technician: He is in for money also. Also he hopes that the "good connections" to an Inquisitor will help him to get rid of his crime record.

Droid: Melee and Range battle droid. he is loyal to the Twi'lek

Chiss Hacker: Fairly new to the group, he left his home world as a heir of a super-wealthy family which got issues with another powerful family. He has no idea till now that the female smuggler is force sensitive and working for the Empire. Actually he will find that out as soon as they leave hyperspace.

Now you have a quite short overview over the characters.

Episode 9: Beginning

The apprentice is ordered by Inquisitor Treymayne to jump to certain coordinates. Shortly before they arrive Barthanii (self created, yet neutral planet in the outer rim) they get a call to interrupt their jump and aim for new coordinates (very close to the original position). As precision in the jump is needed they have to roll rppp.

According to the result of this roll, they jump right into a major space battle between the Empire and Rebel ships. The result will let them come out close to the " Interrogator " (Treymaynes ISD) or close to an MC-80 Cruiser of the rebels. However they have to get on board of the Interrogator . If they are successful they need 2/3 rounds to get to the hanger chased by 2 rebel fighters. If the roll fails they have to run quick (maybe get tractor beamed) with 5/6 rounds and 4+ fighters in waves.

This space battle is mostly show, its about their flight and their moral decision if they shot rebels or not (right now, they all agree to not kill rebels or fight active in the civil war).

Onboard the " Interrogator " they are brought to the bridge (tactical station). The new apprentice (female smuggler) will see 3 fleeing groups of freighters protected by the rebel ships. She is able to sense a force user in one group and got asked which group should the Empire chase and destroy. Of course this is a test as Treymayne already knows which group to hunt.

Right after that when the rebels start retreating, they are sent to the planets surface to find the padawan and bring him or she to the Inquisitor. And now here starts my struggling.

How should the group be able to find a padawan? I want to avoid the typical "Info Broker", ask in local cantina stuff. I am looking for something new and fresh for the group a mostly social encounter. Here i need your advice and wisdom :)

Many thanks in advance and greetings from Germany :)

Since the planet is GM-made, what is the political structure of the government? Are there factions vying for control that the group can influence? Perhaps one faction is a rebel ally and gave sanctuary to the rebels, and so the group has to make contact with the faction that is an imperial loyalist and directly opposed to the other faction.

Since the planet is GM-made, what is the political structure of the government? Are there factions vying for control that the group can influence? Perhaps one faction is a rebel ally and gave sanctuary to the rebels, and so the group has to make contact with the faction that is an imperial loyalist and directly opposed to the other faction.

The planet is ruled by a High King (named Lesher Yalawari). Kings are ruling their local districts.

The planet is mostly Terran, with a climate (avg. temp at 22° Celsius) and atmosphere favoring humans. Also the gravity is earth-like. Trade is not a big business there as Barthannii is supplying itself with ease. It has a few resources but nothing special.

The story should proceed that the Empire will then establish a blockade after the rebel retreat. The High King then has the "choice" to cooperate with the Empire and join it or being invaded and occupied as the planet seems to provide support for rebels. Of course rebels where only there to help the fleeing Jedi and his Padawan. The Jedi had chosen this planet because its quite remote and neutral.

Edited by TheSlayer

Since you let your female smuggler/apprentice allready feel the forcy on the freigther, let her do it again.

I had an similar encounter once. I Let the groups latent forcy roll on deception combined with the force rating against average and hard checks when ever she passed a spot the other forcy has visited not long ago or was nearby. it became a chase of feelings through out the city. Sometimes losing the track and giving up, trieing to do other stuff just to get that strange feeling (like ezra in spark of an rebellion seeing kanaan for the first time) back when ever she wouln´t expect it.

Since you let your female smuggler/apprentice allready feel the forcy on the freigther, let her do it again.

I had an similar encounter once. I Let the groups latent forcy roll on deception combined with the force rating against average and hard checks when ever she passed a spot the other forcy has visited not long ago or was nearby. it became a chase of feelings through out the city. Sometimes losing the track and giving up, trieing to do other stuff just to get that strange feeling (like ezra in spark of an rebellion seeing kanaan for the first time) back when ever she wouln´t expect it.

That is indeed a nice idea, i like it. Right now i am designen severall spots in the main city (capital) and a smaller city a couple of miles away. Whyever i did not come this idea myself i will add that to my list. Of course i also need some other methods to get details about his hiding. The rest of the group should be able to gather infos/details too.

But excellent idea!

Glad i could help.

For the others:

One possiblity while wandering around let them hear some people on the marked place talking about something mysterious they wittnessed (a masked/hooded guy that leaped from one rooftop to another/ a person that stoped a brawl between to locals with just one word / or hearing about a mysterious healer that safed a girl on the verge of death just the other day)

Or they notice the ruckus the security / firedepartments make because of the the frighter that was shot down with the padawan a board and they can track down some clues at the "landing"-side.

You could also have Tremayne take the opportunity to teach her the Force Power "Seek," using this as an exercise for it. Let her use the Seek power to track the Padawan through her steps on the planet, in the process, encountering the same factions she initially approached to bargain for her asylum.

The adventure then becomes a case of figuring out who it was that helped her, and who refused to help her, as they get embroiled in the politics of the planet.