I had a situation today where I had 4x A-wings that was engaged by Instigator.
Next to all of them at distance 1 was an ISD II.
(All Imp squadron had been blown away before this happened)
Who can the A-wings attack? Our rule guru in the LGS said that the A-wings can't attack the ISD, as the are engaged by Instigator and they couldn't attack the Instigator either too, as they can't attack ships when engaged.
But would that not make the Instigator immune from squadron attack?
My opponent graciously, said that it didn't make sense the A-wings couldn't attack anything, when there was no real squadrons of his own nearby, so he allowed me to attack the ISD with my A-wings.
So what is most correct in regards to Instigator???
And how do you actually read the engaged rule with the above in mind???