Retreating Clarification

By Jobu, in Star Wars: Rebellion

So I wanted to confirm one reading I have on retreats.

Say I come on with just a space force and then wipe out my opponents space force, but he still has units in the ground theater. Can I then retreat?

Everything I have read seems to say yes but for some reason that does not seem correct to me.

RR pg 05 - A player cannot retreat if his opponent does not have any units in the system.

RR pg 04 - Combat Round: III. Retreat IV. Next round.

Oddly enough, if I come in with just a space force, wipe out that space force and the enemy has no units on the ground, I can't retreat. I think that's whats causing my concerns that I am not reading it right.

Nope, you are reading it right. If there are no bad guys to fight, you can't retreat from them. Also, if you have a DS or have no leader, you can't retreat.

Ok, just reread your post. Let me clarify You can only retreat while in combat, if you have a leader and if you do NOT have a DS in your force. So, if you have killed all the forces facing you in a theater, (space or ground), there is no combat, so, you can NOT retreat.

edited for clarity

Edited by Hersh

Nope, you are reading it right. If there are no bad guys to fight, you can't retreat from them.

I'm not sure I like this but the RAW supports it. I feel the rule SHOULD say "A player cannot retreat if his opponent has no units in the same theater of combat as the player."

Edited by KoalaXav

Nope, you are reading it right. If there are no bad guys to fight, you can't retreat from them.

Actually, I think he's saying the opposite. And after rereading the rules, I see what he means. There's nothing RAW preventing the player with a surviving unopposed navy in this scenario from retreating and effectively getting a free movement (other than Death Star and leader conditions of course). Obviously the player with an unopposed army cannot retreat. The key rule states "A player cannot retreat if his opponent does not have any units in the same system." But the enemy ground units satisfy the requirements for the ships to withdraw before combat is declared over (which would happen immediately, otherwise)

I'm not sure I like this but the RAW supports it. I feel the rule SHOULD say "A player cannot retreat if his opponent has no units in the same theater of combat as the player."

You nailed my concern. I can't seem to find anything to contradict that and it just doesn't sit right, but is RAW. I am hoping someone else can.

Oh and folks just to keep things focused, I am not talking about any of the other retreat requirements/rules in the game, assume everything is else is fulfilled.

Yeah I feel exactly the same way and pored over the rulebook (as I'm sure you did) to find what I was missing. I think this requires an official ruling from FFG. I consider this a more pressing question than the destroyed system mission ruling. It opens up either a powerful hit-and-run tactic (if intended) or a possible exploit (if not)

Check this other scenario:

Player A attacks Player B, they both have space and ground units.

End of 1st round of combat, Player A still has space and ground units, but Player B only has space forces.

Player A retreats, but leaves his ground forces behind.

Player B can then also retreat his space fleet.

Edit: Oh yeah, the retreat rules are the most complex rules in the entire game by a large margin. Rebel base comes close.

Edited by Jobu

Yes, could also happen but this is a very iffy scenario, so I'm less concerned about it appearing in a normal game. It assumes the defender has lost interest in the system and cedes control to the (already fled) attacker.

The first scenario seems much more likely.