Not a winner?

By Amroth, in Alien Invasion

Hmmm I am getting the impression from the lack of activity on this thread that there's not a lot of love for this particular title.

Are there reasons people aren't so keen? The scenarios are to B Grade to play a gritty survival game, the system is not working for this concept?

Or have I got it wrong and people aren't commenting because they are too busy enjoying the game?

i've been coming to these forums now and then to get info on the game, or news about release and such. There hasn't been a lot of activity at all on any of the boards, if you ask me. I guess RPG are a bit difficult to discuss too, especially when the system leaves a lot for the GM to decide.

I'm still interested in the series and can't wait for the last book to be announced.

i've been coming to these forums now and then to get info on the game, or news about release and such. There hasn't been a lot of activity at all on any of the boards, if you ask me. I guess RPG are a bit difficult to discuss too, especially when the system leaves a lot for the GM to decide.

I'm still interested in the series and can't wait for the last book to be announced.

I'm kind of sad over this as Alien Invaders are my fav or the four Genre's (I know Cthulhu is technically Wrath of Gods, but well, he's an alien too, sooo... :P ). So wanted to find someone doing the Martian Invaders one. Do some fun old-school 50's-60's Sci-Fi. I just love old stuff such as "Mars Attacks" and the original "Invaders From Mars." You know, the sort of thing you'd see on MST3K.

Same way at the Star Wars Edge of the Empire Forum... there are three games, EotE gets the most traffic... unless the thread is very specific to one of the others.

I dunno, the PDF gets requested on 7chan quite a few times... :P

I'm wondering how well the rise of the machines one will do.

I'm not gonna say FFG is all about SW now (because it isn't, There's some AGoT in there to somewhere :D ) but compared to the x-wing part of the forum, these threads can seem kinda barren by comparison.

The zombie one had a lot of activity, but that one was the first one out of the gate and it was still fresh. (Fresh zombies, odd huh? :) )

Edited by Robin Graves

Wow, this forum is nearly dead. Bummer - just got the books and was all hyped for some discussiion.

Edited by rgrove0172

I think the issue is more "forum setup" It probably would have been better to put all the books in the same subforum, instead of one for each. Most people ask questions and get clarifications in the Zombie one from what I see.

I'm disappointed there isn't a General Discussion thread, as I'm only spying out different games. Would have been good to snoop at people discussing the game in general.


Just so happens I'd like to run various Apocalyptic settings, with Alien Invasion and Zombie Apocalypse topping the settings I'd like to run. Going to look this up in the FFG News page to find out more.

On 5/3/2016 at 1:15 AM, Brother Malachai said:

I'm kind of sad over this as auto clicker word unscrambler jumble solver Alien Invaders are my fav or the four Genre's (I know Cthulhu is technically Wrath of Gods, but well, he's an alien too, sooo... :P ). So wanted to find someone doing the Martian Invaders one. Do some fun old-school 50's-60's Sci-Fi. I just love old stuff such as "Mars Attacks" and the original "Invaders From Mars." You know, the sort of thing you'd see on MST3K.

Are there reasons people aren't so keen? The scenarios are to B Grade to play a gritty survival game, the system is not working for this concept?

Edited by WAILIYA