SoB rules up

By Thundercles, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Ryric said:

Jonny WS said: Published on 12/4/2009 - 14:29:26
Something I noticed...

Under contents of the game, it says there are 40 monster reference cards. But, when you look at RtL and the added ToI cards, you have 50 total.

Reading further on in the rules under encounters, it lists all the monsters that you can reinforce, which is 25 monsters. So nothing was removed from the campaign.

I assume it was just a typo, but something I did notice :)

Perhaps the assumption is that if you own ToI, the campaign monster cards are in that expansion and you don't need them repreinted.

More than likely.

I was glancing through the section on ships, and it seems there's no way to actually TURN a ship. You can go foreward with sails, and left and right with the ships wheel, but not turn 90 degrees. Which seemed odd with one of the pictures of a ramming example showing one ship broadside to another.

Was something left out, or is it just unimportant to the game mechanics?

That makes sense to me too. 5 new monsters in ToI...for a total of 10 cards. Yep. I like it :)

Chernobyl said:

I was glancing through the section on ships, and it seems there's no way to actually TURN a ship. You can go foreward with sails, and left and right with the ships wheel, but not turn 90 degrees. Which seemed odd with one of the pictures of a ramming example showing one ship broadside to another.

Was something left out, or is it just unimportant to the game mechanics?

Ships are set up one at a time. I haven't read the setup rules, but it may be possible to start your ship at a 90 degree angle from theirs and ram it that way.


I was caught off guard with the ship turning also.

No mention to power potions ... Is it right to assume that they work as in errata of RtL ?

rgalvan said:

No mention to power potions ... Is it right to assume that they work as in errata of RtL ?

One would assume so, but who knows. Since the only mention of removing a potion in the rules is for the Invulnerability potion, then Power Pots are available to use and I would assume they follow the same rules.

I think its safe to assume that any Roda to Legend rule clarifications that don't contradict Sea of Blood rules will also apply in Sea of Blood.

I would assume so. There is a lot of things from the FAQ that didnt make it to the SoB the question on glyphs.

I am just going to play SoB with the same rules as RtL unless otherwise written.

Thundercles said:

Dark Prayer subtle change: Surges rolled = +1 range, +1 damage. Surges spent = +1 threat. This could mean that Fear doesn't prevent Dark Prayer's damage, just its threat generation. Then again, surges spent on fear "can't be used" for another purpose; if it had said "can't be spent " I'd have a better argument.

I'm surprised they still haven't nerfed Dark Prayer. It makes Dark Priests the best monster in the game, by a huge margin, and the Treachery spawn card for it is still super valuable. Threat generator, massive damage, long range. Can't ask for more.

Dark Priests' damage is comparable to that of Sorcerers, because they don't get a colored die.

James McMurray said:

Dark Priests' damage is comparable to that of Sorcerers, because they don't get a colored die.

Because they don't get a bunch of ranks of Sorcery , maybe. The yellow die adds 1/3 of a point of damage on average.

Antistone said:

James McMurray said:

Dark Priests' damage is comparable to that of Sorcerers, because they don't get a colored die.

Because they don't get a bunch of ranks of Sorcery , maybe. The yellow die adds 1/3 of a point of damage on average.

What's your point? Dark Priests don't get a yellow die (at least not in vanilla or RtL, I haven't seen their SoB stats yet).

James McMurray said:

What's your point? Dark Priests don't get a yellow die (at least not in vanilla or RtL, I haven't seen their SoB stats yet).

Sorcerers get a yellow die. You said that Dark Priests' damage was comparable to Sorcerers because the Dark Priests don't get a colored die. I'm saying that the fact that Sorcerers do get a colored die doesn't actually help their damage output appreciably, the only reason Sorcerers can do decent damage is because of the Sorcery ability.

Nevermind, we werwe in agreement, that's all that really mattered.