I figured I'd start a thread where people could put the official responses people have gotten from FFG (these are to questions posted to their rules query form). Please just post the question(s) and answers.
Official Rules Responses
Rules Question:
The Rebel player played Lando's Action card "Independent Operation" on a subjugated system.
1. Can the Imperial player move his ground units to another Imperial System that is currently occupied by Rebel ground units?
2. If they can move to a Rebel occupied Imperial system, does combat occur? The action card does not say to resolve a combat, unlike other action cards that similarly move units outside of normal activations.
3. If combat does not occur in the above example, and both Rebel and Imperial ground units occupy the same system, what would then trigger a combat? Activating that system with a leader? Resolving a mission in that system with a leader with tactics? The start of the action phase? Thanks.
I hope this answers your question, and thanks for playing!
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Are destroyed systems still eligible for named system missions? For example, if the Imperial player destroys the Dagobah system, can the Rebels still play the Seek Yoda mission card?
Destroyed systems retain their names. Missions and action cards can still be attempted and resolved in Destroyed systems. This includes the Seek Yoda mission card.
I hope this answers your question!
-Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Question: If the Death Star is in a system with no other Imperial ships and the Rebels have ships but no Death Star Plans and two Ion Cannons, the Ion Cannons prohibit the DS from firing (each one cancels out 2 red dice), and ships can't attack the DS normally, what happens?
In this situation, the Imperial player can’t retreat, so the Rebel player is forced to retreat his ships.
I hope this answers your question!
- Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
The follow up question about if the Rebel player doesn't have a leader to use to retreat:
If the Rebels were unable to retreat for any reason, they would be destroyed.
Thanks for playing!
- Corey Konieczka
From another thread, courtesy of Tompy:
Hello Jeff,
If the Death Star destroys the system where the Rebel base is, the Imperials win the game. They win even if the Rebel base has not been revealed.
I hope this answers your question!
- Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Ooops, double posted.
I don't remember my original question but believe the answer is quite clear.
Hello Jeff,
If the Death Star destroys the system where the Rebel base is, the Imperials win the game. They win even if the Rebel base has not been revealed.
I hope this answers your question!
- Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Edited by TompyAsked by ninjamatic3000:
I asked FFG:
"If a sabotage marker is present in the system containing the Death Star Under Construction, does that prevent the Death Star from deploying when it reaches the end of the build queue?"
Corey's answer:
"The Sabotage mission is intended to work only in systems that have a resource icon. If the Rebels could use this in a remote system then the Imperial player would be unable to remove the sabotage marker.
Are destroyed systems still eligible for named system missions? For example, if the Imperial player destroys the Dagobah system, can the Rebels still play the Seek Yoda mission card?
Destroyed systems retain their names. Missions and action cards can still be attempted and resolved in Destroyed systems. This includes the Seek Yoda mission card.
I hope this answers your question!
-Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Ridiculous ruling.
Imagine the remade episode IV...
Han: "ok kid that's us arrived at Alderaan"
Obi Wan : "but it's been destroyed, it's just an asteroid field now"
Han: "so? Faq said it still counts, thanks for the credits"
And then pushes them out the airlock....
Don't care who ruled it, won't ever be playing it that way.
Are destroyed systems still eligible for named system missions? For example, if the Imperial player destroys the Dagobah system, can the Rebels still play the Seek Yoda mission card?
Destroyed systems retain their names. Missions and action cards can still be attempted and resolved in Destroyed systems. This includes the Seek Yoda mission card.
I hope this answers your question!
-Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Ridiculous ruling.
Imagine the remade episode IV...
Han: "ok kid that's us arrived at Alderaan"
Obi Wan : "but it's been destroyed, it's just an asteroid field now"
Han: "so? Faq said it still counts, thanks for the credits"
And then pushes them out the airlock....
Don't care who ruled it, won't ever be playing it that way.
Don't have to remake it - it already serves as a perfect example of why this ruling works.
Luke's mission is to get the droids to Alderaan. Just because the planet is gone doesn't mean that he didn't *technically* succeed!
The planet being gone doesn't remove the fact that they went RIGHT TO IT.
And you won't play this way? After an official ruling?!? Maybe you won't be playing at all...
I understand the ruling. It prevents the Imperial player from just zapping planets that have specific missions for them. Its a bit 'silly', but its there for balance.
Anyway, does anyone know if you can play the Address Delays card on a system that has a sabotage marker?
I understand the ruling. It prevents the Imperial player from just zapping planets that have specific missions for them. Its a bit 'silly', but its there for balance.
Anyway, does anyone know if you can play the Address Delays card on a system that has a sabotage marker?
Here's from the Rules Reference under "Sabotage Markers":
"Abilities cannot “build” or “deploy” units in a system that contains a sabotage marker.
• Other abilities that refer to resource icons in a system are unaffected by sabotage markers. For example, an ability that allows a player to “gain” units in a system is not prevented by a sabotage marker."
Does that answer your question? I don't remember the wording on that card.
I'd like to keep this thread just for questions and the official answers from FFG. Any further discussion of those rulings, or questions posed to the community please use use another thread. Thank you.
Don't have to remake it - it already serves as a perfect example of why this ruling works.Ridiculous ruling.Are destroyed systems still eligible for named system missions? For example, if the Imperial player destroys the Dagobah system, can the Rebels still play the Seek Yoda mission card?
Destroyed systems retain their names. Missions and action cards can still be attempted and resolved in Destroyed systems. This includes the Seek Yoda mission card.
I hope this answers your question!
-Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Imagine the remade episode IV...
Han: "ok kid that's us arrived at Alderaan"
Obi Wan : "but it's been destroyed, it's just an asteroid field now"
Han: "so? Faq said it still counts, thanks for the credits"
And then pushes them out the airlock....
Don't care who ruled it, won't ever be playing it that way.
Luke's mission is to get the droids to Alderaan. Just because the planet is gone doesn't mean that he didn't *technically* succeed!
The planet being gone doesn't remove the fact that they went RIGHT TO IT.
And you won't play this way? After an official ruling?!? Maybe you won't be playing at all...
Delivered safely? No. The heroes were captured, and detained. And Obi-wan was killed.
To Organa? Nope. He's dead too.
On Alderaan? Boom.
Yes, the plans were eventually delivered to the rebel base, but the mission assigned to obi-wan was a complete failure. The only mission here that was successful was the Imperial tracking beacon mission when they let Leia escape to determine the location of the base. Had Tarkin not decided to allow them to escape, it would have been obvious just how badly the mission failed.
Edited by KoalaXav
Oh, how I disagree. The mission was to deliver the plans stored on this artoo unit safely to Bail Organa on Alderaan.The
Don't have to remake it - it already serves as a perfect example of why this ruling works.
Ridiculous ruling.Are destroyed systems still eligible for named system missions? For example, if the Imperial player destroys the Dagobah system, can the Rebels still play the Seek Yoda mission card?
Destroyed systems retain their names. Missions and action cards can still be attempted and resolved in Destroyed systems. This includes the Seek Yoda mission card.
I hope this answers your question!
-Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Imagine the remade episode IV...
Han: "ok kid that's us arrived at Alderaan"
Obi Wan : "but it's been destroyed, it's just an asteroid field now"
Han: "so? Faq said it still counts, thanks for the credits"
And then pushes them out the airlock....
Don't care who ruled it, won't ever be playing it that way.
Luke's mission is to get the droids to Alderaan. Just because the planet is gone doesn't mean that he didn't *technically* succeed!
The planet being gone doesn't remove the fact that they went RIGHT TO IT.
And you won't play this way? After an official ruling?!? Maybe you won't be playing at all...
Delivered safely? No. The heroes were captured, and detained. And Obi-wan was killed.
To Organa? Nope. He's dead too.
On Alderaan? Boom.
Yes, the plans were eventually delivered to the rebel base, but the mission assigned to obi-wan was a complete failure. The only mission here that was successful was the Imperial tracking beacon mission when they let Leia escape to determine the location of the base. Had Tarkin not decided to allow them to escape, it would have been obvious just how badly the mission failed.
Oh good lord.
This is why I used "technically"....perhaps I wasn't clear enough, or it was a poor choice of words. I was trying to simplify things.
But hey it's cool if you disagree...it's what fuels this kind of debate!
While I agree if you break it down, they didn't complete certain bits of the mission on the whole, technically they arrived at Alderaan (your division of the use of "on" from it's contextual place is poor grammar to further your nit-picky agenda : it's a qualifier of where Bail is, in that context. IE "To Bail who is ON Alderaan")
Destroying Alderaan - while the game uses the word "system" - DOES NOT remove the system from it's relevant place in the Universe, as shown by Han flying RIGHT TO IT. And again, TECHNICALLY they completed all but the delivering to Bail bit, as the plans were eventually delivered to the rebellion.
The word "system" is, IMHO, a poor choice of wording in this game, as the DS is NOT destroying suns, moons, other planets, etc....just a PLANET within the SYSTEM. As far as my movie example is concerned, Han et al went right to the planet expecting it to still be there. OF COURSE that mission was adjusted on the fly, and OF COURSE they failed to deliver the droid to Bail, but they STILL went to Alderaan.
As for game relevance , I was trying to simplify the abstract nature of the idea that you can still complete a mission in a destroyed "system" (game term). It seems that most of the issues I see people having with this game don't understand the abstract nature of what's happening in-game, or are taking some of the rules piecemeal. Some of the missions could not be completed at a destroyed system (anything dealing with ground units on the ground and/or starting ground combat, for example), which is exactly how it should be.
I sincerely doubt the designers and playtesters didn't run across this exact problem, or simply chose to ignore it. Hence the ruling.
If you choose to play ignoring an official rule, you are effectively excising a significant portion of the experience, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to play this way.
Edited by Kintaro1Posted by jobu:
Rules Question:
Hello, I am requesting a clarification between the interaction between Rapid Mobilization and Contingency Plans. If during a turn, I reveal the Rapid Mobilization card and then later in that turn I execute Contingency Plans, can I choose Rapid Mobilization for two executions of it at the end of the Command phase? The crux of the matter is when does the Rapid Mobilization come back to your hand. Is it when you initially reveal it and place your leader in the rebel base or does the card stay "in play" until it is completely resolved at the end of the Command Phase? Thanks in advance!
Hello Joe,
Fantasy Flight Games
Rules Question:
Hi. Thanks very much for your time. Can you use the "Rapid Mobilization" mission card to move up to five units from a system if the system you are moving from has a leader? Thank you very much.
Fantasy Flight Games
When asked whether the mission assigned with Contingency Plan can be resolved immediately:
The “Contingency Plan” mission allows you to assign the leader to a new mission. You do not resolve the new mission immediately, and must wait for the next Rebel turn in order to resolve it.
I hope this answers your question!
- Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games
Hello Lewis,
Fantasy Flight Games

a. Luke or Wedge simply needs to be in the system. They do not have to be assigned to the mission.

I figured I'd start a thread where people could put the official responses people have gotten from FFG (these are to questions posted to their rules query form). Please just post the question(s) and answers.
Hi doctor
I'm quoting you as I'm hoping that will flag to you to view this.
Could you edit your starting post of the thread to briefly list the all the questions and there answer and edit them as new answers are posted so people only have to read the first post to see all the answers posted, but if they want a full answer they can find the post in the thread?
Hello Lewis,

Fantasy Flight Games
So, got one that isn't really clear in the rules, but... can you have have more than one captured leader at a time? IE.. can you have a captured leader AND a leader frozen in carbonite?
So, got one that isn't really clear in the rules, but... can you have have more than one captured leader at a time? IE.. can you have a captured leader AND a leader frozen in carbonite?
Hi Shaunmerritt
I think you misunderstood this thread, its for posting Official Responses from FFG and not for asking for official responses.
However, to answer your question.
Each ring can be active at the same time. So you can have a Turned leader, a Frozen in Carbonate Leader and a Captured leader all at once. If you Turn, Freeze or Capture a new leader the previous one is rescued/redeemed.
For the purpose of any rules relating to a Captured Leader, these apply to a Frozen Leader also, but not a Turned Leader.
Hope this helps,
Darth Vader action card "It is your destiny": In short how is this card played? The rules inference is Darth has to already be in the system where the rescue takes place. I understand it as, Darth can be played from your leader pool in response to the "rescue mission" to the system where the rescue takes place and can "capture" 1 of the leaders who took part in the rescue.
After a rescue, all rebel leaders involved both rescued and rescuer, move to the rebel base? Not just the rescued leader?
Rules questions:
Is ESCAPE PLAN only meant for ignoring transport restrictions or can it bybass NO ESCAPE card too?
Can it help empire escape with the death star? (I hope not)
ESCAPE PLAN and NO ESCAPE card, which takes precedence?
Does it depend on order of play?
Thank you
This thread is for posting responses to rules questions asked through the ffg rules submission link. If you want the community to answer your rules questions, please start a new thread to ask the question in. FFG does not officially post on the forums, so they will not answer questions posted here (or in any other thread really).
The FFG rules question submission site can be found here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/contact/rules/