The Black Cat.
Rules + Card you need to make or get a figure
The Black Cat.
Rules + Card you need to make or get a figure
Nice, simple expansion for Halloween! :-)
Where are the rules for cat's movement and starting location?
Where are the rules for cat's movement and starting location?
In the PDF.
Thanks, didn't notice it.
Moving the cat at the end of turn will cause players constantly forgetting to do so I'm afraid. Seen it countless times with other NPCs.
This made me think of witch cat. I think witch cat has my favorite talisman art of all time.
Thanks, didn't notice it.
Moving the cat at the end of turn will cause players constantly forgetting to do so I'm afraid. Seen it countless times with other NPCs.
So what other trigger do you sudjest? Any ideas? Because the fact that it is on the werewolf and the reaper would say to me that it will have more chance to be remembered (given how long players have been playing with them) i mean any other trigger not currently in game would have more chance to be forgotten.
Yeah its the PDF
Problem is there are already plenty of NPCs particulary if you're using the ice queen. I think they slow down the game quite a bit and we probably forget about them at least 50% of the time (drinking group).
Problem is there are already plenty of NPCs particulary if you're using the ice queen. I think they slow down the game quite a bit and we probably forget about them at least 50% of the time (drinking group).
So a more reactive type of trigger your saying I'm gathering.. How about: When a character lands on or moves passed the black cat figure then after the characters move the black cat needs to be moved. But of course you need to say that the moving character is un-effected by the black cats effects. You could say as well that any NPC figure does the same also thus more chance for the black cat to move around.. But this will slow the game down but has more chance not to be forgotten.
Prob is the harbinger "event" trigger is also the same for slowing the game down and being forgotten. Come to think of it also the Time card too. I mean to say what trigger can anyone create that is not going to be forgotten and does not slow the game down? I suppose that's why there is a "If forgotten move on" rule so it does not bog the game down by players saying "No you must.. go back go back".
Made my Black Cat Figure
for play testing..
Made corrections see The Black Cat Rules PDF v1.1
The best way when using multiple triggers is designating certain numbers for different things. It serves multiple pirposes;
-keeps everyone aware to move triggers since they happen more often
-It doesnt take too long each turn since only one trigger occurs each round
-Makes each trigger exclusive
Thanks, didn't notice it.
Moving the cat at the end of turn will cause players constantly forgetting to do so I'm afraid. Seen it countless times with other NPCs.
So what other trigger do you sudjest? Any ideas?
There are multiple possibilities, just make sure the NPC is moved immediately as your trigger occurs.
Thanks, didn't notice it.
Moving the cat at the end of turn will cause players constantly forgetting to do so I'm afraid. Seen it countless times with other NPCs.
So what other trigger do you sudjest? Any ideas?
There are multiple possibilities, just make sure the NPC is moved immediately as your trigger occurs.
Ok did that what do you think of version 1.1 then better?
Ok did that what do you think of version 1.1 then better?
It's better, the cat now moves when it should.
Harbinger doesn't move after resolving character's move so you can remove him from the formula.
Ok did that what do you think of version 1.1 then better?
It's better, the cat now moves when it should.
Harbinger doesn't move after resolving character's move so you can remove him from the formula.
Because cats can get into basically anything it is difficult for both the Boatman and the Sentinel stopthe Black cat, so the Black Cat may freely cross the Storm River at the Sentinel, or from the Temple tothe Tavern (or vice versa), at the cost of a single movement point for either.Cats don't like water, also boatman ferries to the Temple on ocassionally.Also, lots of grammar errors in the rules, but that's not important at this stage.I still don't like the idea of this mini expansion because it adds an NPC who needs to be remembered and dealt with but offers little in terms of gameplay, choices, strategy etc.
Yep harbinger going to be taken out.
It says Temple to the Tavern (or vice versa) so that is the boatman. And yes Cats don't like water..
I realize there are grammar errors I have not proof read the rules yet so..
I think the Black Cat add lots of strategy hence the Misfortune casting ability in same region as the figure. I find the Misfortune spell one of the nastiest spells there is because it makes a roll "1" and there is nothing you can do about it normally, due to not many counter spells and anti spell effects. So making the Misfortune a no cast your adding that strategy. But hey, its OK to dislike it. No ones saying you have to play with it.
The Black Cat pdf v1.2 is up now with corrections.
Edited by Uvatha
I think the Black Cat add lots of strategy hence the Misfortune casting ability in same region as the figure.
I think the Black Cat add lots of strategy hence the Misfortune casting ability in same region as the figure.
You mean to say you did not read The Black Cats card? Link:
No character can cast the Misfortune spell in the same region as the Black Cat!
You could view it right?
Edited by Uvatha
I think the Black Cat add lots of strategy hence the Misfortune casting ability in same region as the figure.
You mean to say you did not read The Black Cats card? Link:
No character can cast the Misfortune spell in the same region as the Black Cat!
You could view it right?
Seriously? Banning access to one spell out of 130, which are randomly drawn, is adding "a lot of strategy"?
Seriously man... I don't even know what to say to that.
Edited by BludgeonWell that and the fate changing ability of the Black cat, Yes, a lot of strategy. Obviously not just the misfortune spell banning (as you put it) I could add more rules (I'm thinking about adding something to do with the Black cat follower from Bloodmoon) but other than that I don't want to over do the card and effects. But to say "offers little in terms of game play, choices, strategy etc" Boy that's way more of a OMG!! statement than my "A lot of strategy" when there are obviously things players can do with the black cat figure and rules during game play.
Also its easy in a 6 player game (for which Talisman was designed to be) to draw the spells when there is heaps of spell drawing and discarding effects.
I'm gathering by your last answer too that you could view The Black Cats card - just didn't know if there was a prob with my downloading of it to Dropbox but all seems OK there.
And "just to put this out there" there is more than 1 Misfortune currently in the Talisman game, 2 to be exact both from Sacred Pool.
Edited by UvathaThinking of changing the Black Cat card to this gametext:
When the Black Cat moves past any character during its movement that character must:
If Lightbound (a character is lightbound if he has more light fate than dark fate) they must change one of their light fate to a dark fate.
If Darkbound (a character is darkbound if he has more dark fate than light fate) they must lose a dark fate.
If Unbound (a character is unbound if he has an equal amount of light fate and dark fate) they must lose a fate.
If Fateless (a character is fateless if he has no fate) they may gain a fate.
All characters in the same Region as The Black Cat figure cannot cast the following spells : Misfortune, Twist of Fate, Cheat Fate, Craft, Strength, Cut the Thread and Blessed.
If any character has the Black Cat follower they are immune to all the above effects.
Thoughts, any better?
After some thought how about saying "no charactercan cast spells if lightbound or darkbound in the same region as the black cat figure" Thus that also keys in the black vat follower text as well without writing it. I liking this better. Time to playtest i thing.
Anyone else think this is better?
Right, finished a small play test works great. Here's the new card - personally I prefer the old one really a lot more used and fitting of a cat so might redo with old background. But because I'm sure this will still go through more revision its OK for now.
Problem is there are already plenty of NPCs particulary if you're using the ice queen. I think they slow down the game quite a bit and we probably forget about them at least 50% of the time (drinking group).
Exactly why I posted my idea of the "7th player". If you disregard the term "7th" and instead picture it as a Game Keeper, it makes much more sense.
Exactly why I posted my idea of the "7th player". If you disregard the term "7th" and instead picture it as a Game Keeper, it makes much more sense.
Interesting and sometimes it could be a good idea for some-sort of game master or game keeper to make the game run smoothy but really it should all come down to players paying attention to whats happening in game. That's why there is a "if you forget" rule in the Reaper rules because everyone forgets from time to time.
Having a 7th player/GM works really well in tournament-style games.
Someone reading out cards, dishing out counters and sorting out other game effects to keep play going is a great help and you can literally knock hours off game time.