Matt & The Caleb vs Murder at the Prancing Pony

By John Constantine, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Just thought somebody might be interested in watching game designers playing their own game.

This makes me want to get the time to sit down and play a game with them at Gencon, hopefully.

Mmm .. i think Robert and Steven are cheaters :)

On round one Robert plays the Warden with Galadriel's Spirit Ressource and Steven playes a Rivendell Blade and a Winged Guardian two times with only 2 Tactic Ressources ...

I guess they totally forgot that silly "resource match" thingy.

And at 1:00:00 Steven shots via Hand upon a Bow and after the attack he has 4 tatic ressources instead of 2

It's magic!

Amazing game!!!

Funny video. +10

Oh my...Caleb RIFFLE SHUFFLES!!!

Mmm .. i think Robert and Steven are cheaters :)

On round one Robert plays the Warden with Galadriel's Spirit Ressource and Steven playes a Rivendell Blade and a Winged Guardian two times with only 2 Tactic Ressources ...

Well, let's say for the sake of argument he retcon'd to pay for the Wizard Pipe with Galadriel, then piped the Warden onto the top and paid for it with Gandalf + Elrond. That would have been legal, right?

As for the Guardian + Blade..... I got nothing.

And at 1:00:00 Steven shots via Hand upon a Bow and after the attack he has 4 tatic ressources instead of 2

They are using the Covenant Tokens, and the one on Elladan is a 3 resource token. it is slightly larger than the others. He waffles on how to pay for it after switching the token out but it seems he ends up with the correct amount of tokens.

I guess they totally forgot that silly "resource match" thingy.

maybe that's how it has been intended to work the whole time... if you have a tri-sphere deck then the resources from any hero can be spent to pay for cards from any of those 3 spheres


And at 1:00:00 Steven shots via Hand upon a Bow and after the attack he has 4 tatic ressources instead of 2

They are using the Covenant Tokens, and the one on Elladan is a 3 resource token. it is slightly larger than the others. He waffles on how to pay for it after switching the token out but it seems he ends up with the correct amount of tokens.

Ok, i missed that. Sry.

np. I had to look very closely. The single tokens have 1 diamond icon, while the 3 resource token has 3 small diamonds and is slightly bigger. Hard to notice in a video.

Oh my...Caleb RIFFLE SHUFFLES!!!

Can't even think of trying that without destroying my cards.

If I win the lottery (I buy tickets sometimes), I'll by 10 or 12 copies of each LOTR LCG packs I won and then I'll practice the riffle shuffle.

Caleb, why you shuffle like that!? @_@ I can never do that to my cards haha

at what point/time is he shuffling?


Caleb: The Magus Ascendant.