So I decided to post this up here and see what I can get here before I start selling it on ebay. Offer for the whole collection or just certain cards.
You can email me offers at or post here. Put UFS Trade or something like that in the subject line so I don’t delete it.
Current Refs: +21/-0
- Money sends first! I have 21 refs here, 100+ on, and 299 on ebay. If you want the links I can provide you with them no problem.
- I will only send within the US and Canada.
Quest of Souls - SCIV02
Tekken 6 - T601
Phoenix Smasher – x2
Fruit Picker – x2
King’s Reverse DDT – x2
Law’s Somersault Kick – x2
Blazing Fist
Lightning Uppercut – x2
Ice Pick – x2
Devil Gene
Paul’s Gi – x2
Tekken Forces – x2
Designer Clothes
Purple Army Suit – x2
Jaguar Mask – x2
Proficient Sniper
Toughest in the Universe
Destruction in his Wake – x2
Samba – x2
Knee Thruster – x3
Searching for Family – x2
One with the Rhythm
Evil Intentions – x3
Double Face Kick – x3
Need to Destroy
Ready to Launch
Rolling Sobat – x2
Flinging Half Nelson – x2
The Entertainer – x2
Cold and Indifferent
Lethal Fighting Style – x2
Keep them Down – x2
Overconfidence – x2
Hammer of the Gods – x3
Turn Thruster – x3
The Ultimate Team – x3
Boxing is Life
Killer Android – x3
Paul Phoenix.
Kazuya Mishima. – x2
King. – x3
Nina Williams. – x3
Christie Monteiro. – x2
Tower of Souls - SCIV01
Raging Gnome
Metuett Dance - x3
Shredding Vibrato
Siegfried's Earth Divide - x2
Double Grounder Beta - x3
Hades - x2
Dark Geo Da Ray - x2
Hades Destroyer - x2
Alshain Najm - x2
Controller of Souls - x3
Hunger for Souls
Corrupting Evil
Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient
Tower of Remembrance - Encounter - x2
Soul Calibur* - x2
Soul Edge*
Kulutues* - x4
Sailor's Rest
Pseudo-Soul Edge - x2
Acheron & Nirvana
Midnight Launcher – x4
Memories that Stain its Armor - x5
No Forgiveness! - x3
Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time - x3
Atoning for His Wicked Deeds - x2
Immovable Object - x4
Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants – x4
Anger Towards a God - x3
Pseudo-Soul Calibur - x5
Tower of Remembrance - Degredation - x3
Temporary Being - x5
Curse of the Ancient Mariner - x3
No Mercy - x3
Howling Spirits
Artificial Soul - x2
Researching Anywhere - x3
Eiserne Drossel - x4
Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight - x3
Mesmerizing Dance - x3
Aura of Strength - x4
Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel - x5
Siren's Call - x4
Hilde. – x4
Astaroth. – x3
Tira. – x4
Algol. – x3
Shadowar - SW01
Fury of the Ancients
Two Deadly Rings Technique
Mighty Knee Strike - x2
Rage of the Dragon
Wrath of Heaven
Driven by Fear
Unnatural Grace – x2
Scroll of the Abyss
Claws of Chian Tang
Wandering Dragon Staff
Monastery of Mt. Lao
Scroll of the Celestial Dawn
The Double Crown of Egypt - x3
Intolerant of Failure - x3
Covenant Elder - x2
Hammer Uppercut - x3
Unstoppable Warrior - x2
Valkyrja's Sheild
Fierce Twin Slash - x3
Bloodied but Unbowed
Ascending Zephyr - x3
Execution Technique Third Rite
Determined to be the Best
The Dragon if Mt. Lao
Atoning for the Past - x2
Calming the Mind - x2
Flowing Strikes - x3
Peaceful Path Hold
Endless Years of Practice
Pillage - x3
Armor of the Forsaken One
Dragon Lifter
One-Handed Crocodile Grasp - x3
Dead for One Thousand Years - x2
Berserker Rage - x3
Reaver's Axe - x2
Zhao Daiyu..
Temujin: - x3
Lu Chen: - x3
Shadowar - x2
Tower of Souls - x5
Bloodline Rebellion - x3
Faithful Bodyguard - x4
The Peaceful Way - x4
Perfect Memory - x4
Path of the Master - x5
Jin Kazama. – x7
Kisheri. - x4
Kilik. (
SC4 version
Heihachi Mishima.
Bryan Fury.
Marius Gaius. – x4
White Crane - x4
Mark of the Beast (foil) – x3
Close Throw (foil) – x3
Cursed Blood (foil)
Martial Arts Champion (foil) – x2
Water life counter
(offer will need to be really really good for this)
Street Fighter mat sealed
SC3 mat sealed
Shadowar mat
Death patch
Evil patch
Order patch
Void patch – x2
Chaos patch
Water patch
Air patch
Earth patch – x2
Good patch –x2
All patch – x2
Life patch
If you want commons and uncommons just ask. I have at least x4 of every block 4 common and uncommon.
If your looking for legacy stuff I still have a bit left, mostly from block 1 though. I also have all of my commons and uncommons for legacy.
through PayPal