Interesting Use for Rapid Mobilization

By Jobu, in Star Wars: Rebellion

In my last game, the rebel player commented that he had more leaders than cards that were useful at the start of the game. I have seen this when I have played as the rebels. It sometimes pushes me to use a card like "Incite rebellion" when there are not any great targets at that moment in time.

So I realized that what a Rebel can do is, go on a Rapid Mobilization mission. Then they draw four probe cards and look at them. They can then decide not to move their base and bury them on the bottom of the probe deck. If done early in the game, this will get you 3 or 4 locations that the Empire cannot draw as probe cards and rule out as locations for your base. It allows you to bluff those locations very effectively.

Now I haven't tried this, and it is very dependent on the game state and what else you have in your hand, but its an option when you have Reekan or Lando left and don't have a great play for them to make. Especially since nether are good at blocking missions.

Sounds like a valid use of leaders to me. The only downside is tying up a leader each turn, but like you said, if you have no other use for them, why not?


Edited by muriker

To add to my above: There are a fair number of rebels mission cards that are useless or suboptimal for the first turn. I view it 10 are useful and 16 are suboptimal/useless/not executable. So your starting turn tends to have at least one not that useful card in your hand for that turn and its not impossible that you will have 2.

Limited 1st turn use cards (some of these might be more useful in certain If situations).

Rogue Squadron Raid - nothing on the build queue

Plant False Lead - useless since the Imperials probe hand is empty

Wookie Uprising - 3 spec ops and you only have 2 in total.

Demolition - 3 spec ops and you only have 2 in total.

Covert Operation - You do not have 3 eyes on any one leader, so it takes two leaders to do it. This one is useful if you don;t have any other choices for Leia & Jan, but it may be obvious.

Lead the Strike Team - requires 2 spec ops, better to wait for a leader that has 2

Hit and Run - requires 2 spec ops, better to wait for a leader that has 2

Daring Rescue - Can't be sure that you will have a captured leader.

For the Greater Good - 3 eyes and I do not know if someone will be captured.

Seek Yoda - better to wait for Luke

Hidden Fleet - is probably better later in the game since you have just set up your fleet without knowing if this would be in your hand or not. It could be useful.

Stolen Plans - is much better when you are close or just starting the level II objectives

I completely agree with the above. Lots of rebel cards are reactionary to what the empire is doing, and with a lack of spec ops abilities in the beginning leaders (and possibly onward if you are unlucky), you are stuck with few usable cards.

In my last game, the rebel player commented that he had more leaders than cards that were useful at the start of the game. I have seen this when I have played as the rebels. It sometimes pushes me to use a card like "Incite rebellion" when there are not any great targets at that moment in time.

So I realized that what a Rebel can do is, go on a Rapid Mobilization mission. Then they draw four probe cards and look at them. They can then decide not to move their base and bury them on the bottom of the probe deck. If done early in the game, this will get you 3 or 4 locations that the Empire cannot draw as probe cards and rule out as locations for your base. It allows you to bluff those locations very effectively.

Now I haven't tried this, and it is very dependent on the game state and what else you have in your hand, but its an option when you have Reekan or Lando left and don't have a great play for them to make. Especially since nether are good at blocking missions.

Couple this with a ruse and you may have a pretty good fake out on your hands.

Major Imp fleets are close to a couple potential bases, but your actual base is quite safe.

Look really nervous, play the card, draw the probes, grumble about all being Imp occupied, place at the bottom, and then continue to look nervous the rest of the round.

You can hopefully prompt them into using any leaders they held back (to counter your moves) in offensive fleet movements to locate the base. When a fleet has more than one option and picks one, let out a sigh of relief.

Might get them to waste some actions.

kmanweiss, that is incredibly devious. I like it

I love the clever use of Rapid Mobilization. It's sneaky but brilliant. It even makes a sort of in-game sense. The Empire may have detected scout activity that caused them to suspect a system for rebel activity. A later probe reveals that the base was quickly abandoned.

I disagree about hidden fleet being suboptimal in the first round. Yes, you just set up but you can only place units in one system outside the rebel base. Hidden fleet helps you reach the objective for having 4 rebel systems with units in them. Plus it can help greatly with the diplomatic alliance mission to have some units there first.

I disagree about hidden fleet being suboptimal in the first round. Yes, you just set up but you can only place units in one system outside the rebel base. Hidden fleet helps you reach the objective for having 4 rebel systems with units in them. Plus it can help greatly with the diplomatic alliance mission to have some units there first.

Thats a fair point and I hadn't thought about that usage. It was the one that I was on the fence about adding to my list.