Do any of you guys read EVERY thread?

By Rocmistro, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

For some reason, lately, I've been trying to read EVERY thread on the Armada forums? (limited to the main forum and "rules" sub thread). I don't know why but I've been OCD about it.

If not a rull read, then at least a glance through to see if the conversation has merit or there is something I can learn from it. Anyone else have this OCD fascination?

Yep, except it also includes the Off-Topic thread, so thanks for messing it up for me! :)


I'm not an OCD person though - I'll quickly give a thread a scan, see if there's a question I can answer, and then if not, leave it :)

I read pretty much every thread

At least a quick scan to determine its value to me

This excludes the Fleet build forum, it seems to be 75% rebel builds and I can't tolerate those :P

Edited by clontroper5

This excludes the Fleet build forum, it seems to be 75% rebel builds and I can't tolerate those :P

I wouldn't have pegged you as Rebel-Fleet-Intolerant considering how many you Ate with your Clonisher.... >.>

This excludes the Fleet build forum, it seems to be 75% rebel builds and I can't tolerate those :P

I wouldn't have pegged you as Rebel-Fleet-Intolerant considering how many you Ate with your Clonisher.... >.>


(Its a secret but my Clonisher list is MORE effective against Imperials Since the Aggressive nature forces a Blood bath)

Edited by clontroper5

Nope. I read what I want based on the titles.

Look, let's be honest...

... I read almost everything.

But that's because I don't have a better place to be, right now...

Look, let's be honest...

... I read almost everything.

But that's because I don't have a better place to be, right now...

And we love you for it

This excludes the Fleet build forum, it seems to be 75% rebel builds and I can't tolerate those :P

I wouldn't have pegged you as Rebel-Fleet-Intolerant considering how many you Ate with your Clonisher.... >.>

Well, he can still eat them. . .he just spends, like, hours in the bathroom afterward, though.

So that is why the Gladiator Engine-Techs it out of Dodge so quickly.........