Twin-tailed comet and Flames

By MichalKP, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hey all,

i know that using Slaneesh's Domination of Flames of Tzeentch results in 0 damage effect, but what about Twin-tailed comet?

Flames of Tzeentch: Deal X damage to one target unit.

Twin-tailed Comet: Target a tactic just played. Copy the effects of that tactic without paying its cost.

Well, what happens if I target flames with TTC? I ruled it the same way as with SD, ie. zero damage, but my players insisted it may not be the same case because it copies the effect which may be lets say "Deal 3 damage to one target unit".

Thanks for help

It would be something that would ideally be included in the FAQ (Once it's done) but I know from any other CCG/LCG I've seen any X cardsnot put into play the normal way (i.e. putting x resources/mana/whatever) into it usually count as 0 for all purposes.

So you were along the right lines. Sorry there's not really a more useful answer at the moment.

The card effect is copied word for actual printed word. Flames does not say do 1, 3, 12 damage it says X. You duplicate that cards effect text not the card as it was played. Targets are also required to be selected by the effect, and if you duplicated every choice by the original player, Target, like cost is a choice that must be made when it is played, you could only ever hit the same target with the Twin-Tailed Comet.

Send the question to Nate so he can include a line about it in the FAQ, but right now this is the ruling most consistent with the rules.

well, could you then PAY an additional cost to have the copied Flames actually do damage?

No. Twin-Tailed Comet does not say you give you the choice about paying costs, just like Slaanesh's Domination. You get the card text effect and only the card text effect.

The card says: "...without paying its cost."

So I doubt that you are allowed to optionaly pay any cost since the card specifically states without paying .


Oops. Missed dormouse's answer. Sorry for that.

To me its obvious it would do 3dmg :)

It copies the effect of the card, not the text. If your opponent does 3dmg with flames and you play comet, you copy the effect. The effect is that flames dealt 3dmg.

If comet only copied the text in the box it wouldn't need to say the part about not paying the cost.

To me it´s both thematically and logical that comet would deal dmg. It copies the effect and doesn´t care what kind of energy was spent.

i see your point, though I doubt that will be the final ruling.

Of course it begs the questions, what is the Warhammer Invasion definition of the word "effect". Effect doesnt obviously imply "text". Remember that the word "dealt" ended up NOT meaning apply or assign as people argued, but something else entirely ie adding damage to the damage pool. Its possible "effect" could mean something else entirely different from "card text", and then Twin Tailed Comet could have a different result. I dont recall if "effect" is defined in the rulebook.

I see reference to "A tactic card is normally played from a player’s hand, its text effects are resolved, and it is then placed in its owner’s discard pile."

another quote

Card Effects
There are four different types of card effects in the Warhammer: Invasion LCG. These are: actions, forced effects, constant effects, and keywords.

then there is

"Once an effect has been paid for, that effect is a part of the action chain, and the effect resolves even if the source of the effect is removed from play. It is possible to avoid an effect either by removing the target of the effect from play, or by cancelling the effect with another action."

Who knows... I personally think the game would be improved by allowing Slaanesh Domination to be played in such a was as to allow adding additional resources to make use of any effects that would require this, and also that Twin Comet would actually duplicate the Card as it is played, but redirected... "You blasted me for 3 damage? Well heres three damage right back at you!" But what I want is not necessarily what is correct. As both are written, they could also be interpretted to mean that the base cost of the card is free, with your choice of adding any variable X cost. However Nate has ruled one less fun way with SD, so Im guessing he'll rule the same less fun way with TTC.

Whats the Nate?

Page 9 from the rulebook in card anatomy - "Card Text: The special effects unique to that card."

So yes, Twin-Tailed Comet copies the effect, which is the card text.

Thanks for clearing it up. I am happy to be once again right but it always helps to have some more arguments for my players :)