Looking to start a Saturday (or Friday) night UFS Fight night. Utica, Rome, New Hartford and surrounding areas (New York)

By player1837543, in UFS Organized Play


I am the Owner of Gamers Edge in Rome, NY I would like to invite anyone to come and play UFS on Saturday night starting about 7. Currently we have promo cards, lots of packs of the newer sets and a strong desire to do more prize support.

Currently we have the a no entry fee tournament on Friday night at 7pm that I would like to move to Saturday night (I am willing to stay on Friday night) that has prize card support.

I would like to create a prize format like I run with Magic the gathering. A $5.00 entry fee and the first price usually retails around 20.00 or so. with second, third and fourth prizes depending on prize support.

If you are interested please contact me at gamersedge13440@yahoo.com

or www.the-gamers-edge.com

Thank you

