Flight Crew Crashed Community Sites?

By Drasnighta, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I figured that, the Forums went down when FFG announced Flight Crew again on Facebook...

Anyone else believe my Paranoid Coincidence?

You're not paranoid.

We all decided it at the meeting we had about you behind your b...... Never mind.

Edited by Mad Cat

Just because you're Paranoid doesn't mean they aren't actually out to get you after all...

The real question is: how paranoid is too paranoid?

Just because you're Paranoid doesn't mean they aren't actually out to get you after all...

As I understand it, Paranoia is defined as a delusion that everyone is out to get you. If they actually ARE out to get you it isn't a delusion and you are not paranoid.

Your just acting in a way that seems paranoid to others who don't understand "THE TRUTH".