Inquisitor / Interrogator BIOs

By MorbidDon, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Figured I try and star a post whereby we post our current, past, or future Inq. / Ing. Profiles...

Being that they both are so vital to the game a good selection of ideas should be practiced as to avoid "typical" or "predictable" NPCs




Estrildis Riothamus
- Cell Inquisitor

- Based off the character from American Horror Story Season 4 "Elsa Mars"

- Only talks of the past with the group while dinning; otherwise is cold and stern if ever questioned about any history

BIO Not Available... PENDING

Commonly used expressions "mein liebling" "vunderbar"


Mallory "Almost" MacPherson
- Cell Interrogator
- The Sisters of Perpetual Grace
- Former Sleeper / Manchurian

Mallory Victoria MacPherson was a former <MegaCorpName> Barrister of House <HouseName>; <MegaCorpName> citizens hold no special love for the <HouseName> memberhood , but most are content with their performance in the leadership of the <MegaCorpName> .

A former sleeper the Manchurian specialized in business litigation at the division of <LawfirmName>. A smart and hardworking Barrister with an ambitious four-year plan, McPherson had worked her way up from humble beginnings to become one of the go-to litigators at <LawfirmName> . Mallory's recent action with Inquisitional assets has complicated their works, and has ultimately compromise her career goals at <MegaCorpName> .

Chosen for her hobbyist practice of gymnastics and hand to hand self-defense; she was monitored closely since her graduation from <MegaCorpName> University. Outside of her physical prowess her comely looks could be used to disarm most men while her professional no nonsense demeanor would help cement her candidacy with the Holy Ordos!

GIST: Imagine a lawyer who one day is planted remotely with training and skills (think Matrix where they could program skills into you) - erasing her former personality for that of a new programmed one aka the Interrogator!

Edited by MorbidDon

Sounds fun! These are the Inquisitors for the previous two campaign I have run, they are interconnected.

Maia Carriden

Inquisitor - Ordo Xenos

A former explorator, Maia's admission into the Inquisition came from cooperating with Inquisitor lord [Redacted] to properly evaluate planets which emerge from the pandaemonium. Over the years she built up an extreme rivalry with the Eldar of Miandrothe, beginning a decade long scheme and descent into radicalism. Now Maia tends to spend most of her time experimenting on psykers. Maia tends to interact with her acolytes through hacked machinery, giving her acolytes the bare minimum of information to do the job.

Inquisitor August

Inquisitor (Questionable) - Ordo Xenos

Maia's greatest weapon, and her answer to the scheming of the Eldar. August was a latent Psyker, nearing Alpha power levels. This tended to manifest as incredible luck and extreme likability. He was a rather ruthless ganger back on Desoleum, and at his peak he was the leader of the Baby Faces. Maia abducted him, he was memory wiped and connected to a massive data network in a forgotten space station. He has been melded with a colony of dark age AI and given the ability to control dozens of psychically reactive combat servitors across the sector. Using the incredible array of data at his command he fights a secret war across the sector against Farseer Kehldaer of Miandrothe. August's acolytes often are unaware that they are working for him, finding themselves mysteriously thrown in to dangerous situations that they are unable to escape. All the while they are being stalked and manipulated by one of August's Servitors.

Of course the two of them could easily be changed to be Malleus Inquisitors who are opposing a lord of change. They fit well into a campaign where the Inquisitor is also the antagonist.

Inquisitor Winter - Unknown Ordo

Inquisitor Winter was an NPC I came up with a while back. Essencially I wanted an Inquisitor that didn't exist, who works from the shadows; manipulating events to suit his plans while viewing his acolytes as little more then expendable pawns that can be easily sacrificed if it benefits the greater game. I wanted an Inquisitor that was intimidating as a 'ghost in the machine'. If you work for him things just 'happen' or you get 'requests' to do 'odd jobs' that make no sense at the time. As an antagonist he's terrifying as he doesn't exist.

Inquisitor Almalexia

Former Explorator from the Mechanicus fleet that re-discovered a planet now known as Jamison's World - a frontier world on the outskirts of Askellon Sector. She was one of the three tech-priestesses left there to investiate planet's astounding ability to regenerate after each and every Exterminatus placed upon it. After years of research she left the planet and joined Ordo Xenos as an acolyte. She's never revealed what she had found out during her stay there. She used all her influence to reach Lord Commander of the sector and convince him to colonize Jamison's World and hive-form it. She's been nominated inquisitorial supervisor of this whole endaevour and given the honours of an Inquisitor. After that she sent there her own acolytes to prepare the world for the arrival of the hive structures and settlers.

She doesn't approve her kin's urge to look inhuman. Though she does think that flesh is weaker than the machine, she also does everything to conceal her own cybernetics, not only for the looks, but also to be as secretive as possible. She tends to be warm towards her acolytes, sometimes sending them presents, like pictures of their home world or books recently published by their favourite authors. But there's one thing she hates above all - uselessness. If an acolyte doesn't prove useful in her plan, because of sudden change of heart or treason, she'll probably execute him.