A Deathwatch Bolter is 1d10+9 Pen 5, the Deathwatch Heavy Bolter is 1d10+12 Pen 5. These are stats from the fragging Errata. In Rogue Trader they're 1d10+5 Pen 4 Bolter and 1d10+8 Pen 5 for Heavy... cmon man, this is just reading.
You Know You're Playing Deathwatch When...
A Deathwatch Bolter is 1d10+9 Pen 5, the Deathwatch Heavy Bolter is 1d10+12 Pen 5. These are stats from the fragging Errata. In Rogue Trader they're 1d10+5 Pen 4 Bolter and 1d10+8 Pen 5 for Heavy... cmon man, this is just reading.
**** man, I had completely forgotten about the errata. Thanks for reminding me.
When the core rulebook tells you that your human character starts with 14,000 exp, and you know you're still outclassed by an Astartes with 1000 exp (if I burned fate I could maaaaaaybe one-shot one of them).
That's true but remember that as role playing characters you have a LOT more freedom to customize your characters than space marines.
When the core rulebook tells you that your human character starts with 14,000 exp, and you know you're still outclassed by an Astartes with 1000 exp (if I burned fate I could maaaaaaybe one-shot one of them).
That's true but remember that as role playing characters you have a LOT more freedom to customize your characters than space marines.
Yeah. Of course, I'm talking about Sister Inellia, and being a Sister does give me some thematic restraints. In any case, if a Kill Team ever runs into a psyker or a Daemon, they'll want her around. Or if they need any hymns sung, or any High Gothic translated/scribed
or any High Gothic translated/scribed![]()
Any Space Marine has Speak Language (High Gothic) - Corebook, p.36.
or any High Gothic translated/scribed![]()
Any Space Marine has Speak Language (High Gothic) - Corebook, p.36.
*shrug* OK. I still have Trade (copyist)
When the kill team's Apothocary and Techmarine are blackshields and the Techmarine, for no apparent reason, is suddenly in visible pain (we're talking screaming and breaking his helmet in his haste to get it off) and uses his power axe to shear off the Apothocary's arm. Rather than react like the Techmarine had gone insane the Apothocary comforts him by saying that it had to be done and even expresses concern over "the effect that the bonded feedback would have on your tertiary heart."
That is how you create intrigue in a game of Deathwatch.
Edited by Marcus1022 hours ago, Marcus102 said:When the kill team's Apothocary and Techmarine are blackshields and the Techmarine, for no apparent reason, is suddenly in visible pain (we're talking screaming and breaking his helmet in his haste to get it off) and uses his power axe to shear off the Apothocary's arm. Rather than react like the Techmarine had gone insane the Apothocary comforts him by saying that it had to be done and even expresses concern over "the effect that the bonded feedback would have on your tertiary heart."
That is how you create intrigue in a game of Deathwatch.
Sure is!
That reminds me,
It's about a kill team full of mutants, maniacs and cursed founding chapters... *
* one of them is Alpha Legion, calling it now.
Edited by Robin Graves
You know you're playing Deathwatch When:
- The Assault Marine kills an Ork Warboss riding a colossal squig, beats the squig almost to death and then tames it to be his own personal mount called,'Squigesly'.
- Upon finding an Ork railway inside a Rok, instead of blowing up the tracks or boarding the train to get to key locations.... the team spends an hour rearranging the tracks to launch the next train into space.
- A Rak'Gol render opens up the librarian from balls to brains (burned a fate in the first round of combat) and yet the rest of the team is still more interested in exploring the loot room the render was guarding.
- An incoming wave of genestealers is detected and the pilot says he only needs 30 seconds to launch the Thunderhawk for evac. 24 seconds later the Thunderhawk is in ruins, two players have burned fate, two others are on the cusp of death and the genestealers are falling back after completing their objective.
- A Librarian tries to 'Hello Beasty' a giant lava worm, diving into its gullet gloriously before burning fate and being found by the Assault Marine a few minutes later who had inserted through the Lava Worm's excrement tube and worked his way up.
- Collateral damage from a 'successful' mission leads to millions dead or dying horrible deaths and renders a Fortress Moon uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. At least the Ork Battle-pyramid armed with a Yu'Vath rupture cannon is gone!
- A naked Assault Marine under the control of a Bruul parasite nearly beats the fully armoured Apothecary to death in a fistfight until the Apothecary activates his Lightning Claws to win the fight.
- The team gets their Corvus Blackstar stolen by the Dark Mechanicus (Cyclotrathe) whilst on an abortive mission. It returns later as a possessed pseudo-helldrake that wants to swallow them.
18 hours ago, OttoWeston said:
The team gets their Corvus Blackstar stolen by the Dark Mechanicus (Cyclotrathe) whilst on an abortive mission. It returns later as a possessed pseudo-helldrake that wants to swallow them.
DW captain: "Good news! Our Blackstar is back!"
Squad: "Yay!"
DW captain: "Bad news is... Our Blackstar is back!"
Yog sothoth manifests itself before the PC party and they just yawn.
A shoggoth rushes at the party and the tac marine says "Go on with the mission, brothers. I'll deal with this anoyance and catch up in a moment."
After putting a few hellfire rounds into the charging shoggoth the tac marine leaves the steaming lifeless goo behind and catches up with the others.
Cthulhu emerges from a dimensional void, takes one look at a chaos imperator titan and goes right back into the dimensional void.
Your kill team finds a copy of the necronomicon, decides it's not worth taking back to watch fortress erioch and the spacewolf uses it to start a fire to roast dinner over.
Azathoth begins to appear and is stopped in 3 rounds by a grey knight squad.
Your techmarine has mkre cybernetics and less humanity than a Borg.
18 hours ago, Professor Tanhauser said:Yog sothoth manifests itself before the PC party and they just yawn.
A shoggoth rushes at the party and the tac marine says "Go on with the mission, brothers. I'll deal with this anoyance and catch up in a moment."
After putting a few hellfire rounds into the charging shoggoth the tac marine leaves the steaming lifeless goo behind and catches up with the others.
Cthulhu emerges from a dimensional void, takes one look at a chaos imperator titan and goes right back into the dimensional void.
Your kill team finds a copy of the necronomicon, decides it's not worth taking back to watch fortress erioch and the spacewolf uses it to start a fire to roast dinner over.
Azathoth begins to appear and is stopped in 3 rounds by a grey knight squad.
Slaanesh and Shub-Niggurath start "wrestling" with each other and the GM has to remind the players of the "hands above the table at all times" house rule.
Edited by Robin Graves6 hours ago, Robin Graves said:Slaanesh and Shub-Niggurath start "wrestling" with each other and the GM has to remind the players of the "hands above the table at all times" house rule.
Oh ghawd. Thanks for
7 hours ago, Professor Tanhauser said:Oh ghawd. Thanks for that image...
What? You never seen an alien hermaphroite goddes of excess do an evil fertility diety before?
You're Lucky I didn't throw Molag Bal to make it a threesome.
On 2/1/2017 at 9:38 PM, Marcus102 said:When the kill team's Apothocary and Techmarine are blackshields and the Techmarine, for no apparent reason, is suddenly in visible pain (we're talking screaming and breaking his helmet in his haste to get it off) and uses his power axe to shear off the Apothocary's arm. Rather than react like the Techmarine had gone insane the Apothocary comforts him by saying that it had to be done and even expresses concern over "the effect that the bonded feedback would have on your tertiary heart."
That is how you create intrigue in a game of Deathwatch.
On 2/2/2017 at 0:00 AM, Robin Graves said:
That's actually where the idea came from. The marines are Blood Gorgons (a 21st founding chapter), the Apothecary cuts down on the mutations and gives the overseers the all clear and the Techmarine crafts replacement parts for when something inevitably mutates and you need to amputate it. Also since they are Blood Gorgons there needs to be two of them since they never (unless they are a sorcerer because they don't have them) leave your soul-bonded partner.
43 minutes ago, Marcus102 said:
That's actually where the idea came from. The marines are Blood Gorgons (a 21st founding chapter), the Apothecary cuts down on the mutations and gives the overseers the all clear and the Techmarine crafts replacement parts for when something inevitably mutates and you need to amputate it. Also since they are Blood Gorgons there needs to be two of them since they never (unless they are a sorcerer because they don't have them) leave your soul-bonded partner.
Aren't they renegades? Or is this before they became that way?
59 minutes ago, Robin Graves said:
They are renegades but they prize individual choice so if a pair of marines decide to go on a century tour with the Deathwatch the rest will probably do something like "All right, have fun, try not to die, and make sure you raid the armoury before you leave."
Since I have 3 DW groups playing for some time now, I will divide this post in 3 groups. If someone's interested, my previous posts in this forum were about 1st group, mostly :).
1st DW group
- When the best method of fighting Necrons is to run as fast as you can through them, because Sprint is the best, Hard Target is even better, and they all have Jump Packs.
! Do not read until spoilers end!
- When they fight against an entire Tau army, with help of small Sisters of Battle force in their monastery, with said army outnumbering them 40-1 in normal troops, 5-1 in Elites and with Master-Level enemy as commander, and they still win despite burning some Fate Points.
- When they find the mysterious Xeno-tech orb full of Ghanataar technology, and they immediately bring it to Erioch...
... Only for it to reveal itself as a trap, and a portal opening releasing full army 10 times the size of the force above directly into the Watch-Fortress, with around 15 Marines in whole Erioch having to fight them alone...
2nd DW group:
- When you are ordered to withdraw, and you refuse because you are playing a Marine from Hospitalizer Chapter, and your Oath does not allow you to leave your Imperial Guard allies to certain death.
- When you coordinate a withdrawal of the whole IG force from the position you are leaving, protecting them along the way.
- When you are attacked by a band of Tzenetchian bikers, Mad Max style, and they hit you with krak grenades on a stick.
... Sorry, it was called "Lance with a Krak tip", it's definitely not STC of just stick and a Krak Grenade...
- When "Lance with an X tip" becomes an instant meme on all sessions.
- When leader of said group challenges Charcarodon Assault Marine, with an Armor History giving him massive boosts in CC in exchange for some Insanity, and he fights him one on one... with no psychic powers...
- When said Tzeentchian is 4-armed bird-faced Champion with style, throwing lances around and doing acrobatics for sake of doing acrobatics...
... And he wins, because he's
, and Assault burns Fate Point in a fair melee with Tzeentchian, becoming an instant meme.
- When Techmarine has lowest Intelligence from entire group. Yes, this group is an instant meme, only add GM.
- When Hospitalizer and Raptor buy Speak Language (Binary Chatter) and speak it better than Techmarine...
- When Hospitalizer Battle-Brother takes a special Heavy Bolter relic from Armory despite it being a Dark Angel relic, because it's unofficial name is "
Heavy Bolter" and he's a Devastator who kind of ignores orders to evacuate and goes out of his way to help normal people. And DW command actually accepts it. He uses it with pride.
- Also, using this Heavy Bolter with right ammo, he kill around 40 enemies in one turn, no problem. See a Horde? I don't see any.
- When you enter a Chaos Manufactorum that you were supposed to infiltrate only to find out everyone was slaughtered by Necrons.
- When they can defeat entire armies of Chaos bikers and assault heavily fortified bunkers alone, they are sliced to pieces and burn a lot of Fate fighting 6 Wraiths...
- ... to their defense, it was their fist encounter with Necrons, and my Wraith are closer to their Tabletop version than FFG's, so they actually pack a punch.
- When they learn that they are going to fight Tyranids for the next few sessions, squad leader, the only one with more experience (he also plays in the 1st group) comments "And believe me, after few fights with Tyranids we will wish to fight Necrons again..."
- When Tyranids are so powerful enemies that players say, absolutely seriously, that galaxy is doomed, and even powerful Ascended Deamon Princes, most powerful in the Jericho, are afraid of Tyranids and do not want to fight them, and PC's DW Kill-Teams also came to this conclusion pretty quickly.
- When this group of players consists of 2 Devastators, Assualt Marine and Techpriest. And they are shootiest of them all.
- Devastator #1 has relic Heavy Bolter called informally
, he's a squad leader. Oh, and he also has Missile Launcher, and no other weapons, because why would you need anything else and where would he keep them? With LOTS of additional rockets, of course.
- Devastator #2 has Heavy Bolter full of Special Ammo and 2 Hand Flamers to burn everything that comes too close.
- Assault has a Heavy Flamer and Two-Handed Chainhammer to pack some punch for single-target damage.
- Techmarine is a Storm Warden with low Intelligence, full Strength and WS, Heavy Bolter and two-handed gigantic Claymore.
- And the rest of Requisiton goes for as many Demolition charges as they can buy and carry. Usually a lot.
- And hilariously, they tend to pick up completely defensive Oaths, despite the fact that they could use Fire for Effect for devastating effect. It makes sense in one way, since they have absurd offensive power already and would rather boost their defensive abilities, but it's still hilarious that the most offensive-heavy weapon-exploding Kill-Team takes the most defensive doctrines of all Kill-Teams ever...
3rd DW group:
- When you can kill 200 strong Horde of Gaunts no problem, and eat 5 Warriors behind them too, in like 5 rounds tops, no problem; but few Lictors attacking from ambush will make you burn Fate Points like candies.
- When one of the players buys Tactic: Orbital Drop Procedures in order to
play guitar while Deep Striking
. And he's going to take Talented, too, and buy it +10 and +20 until he can finally do this. Somehow.
- When Iron Hand and Ultramarine start arguing, and Ultramarine starts saying "Brother, do you remember Istvaan? Your tactics there failed, you know" , and then he stopped himself seconds from saying it when he realized that his brother would shoot him there and then, instantly.
- "Brother, remember X' becomes a meme and when Lameneter joins Kill-Team, it changes to "Brother, do you remember Ultramar?".
- Poor Ultramarine is a leader all the time because he's the best leader for sure, but his Kill-Team keeps making him feel horrible all. the. time.
- He blames his Captain, a Raven Guard with a... specific sense of humor, I would say.
- Everyone is sure that next Battle-Brother is going to be a Minotaur or Black Templar for sake of further humiliating Ultramarine.
- Players decide to stay in Outer Reaches and join Dead Cabal. Hilarity ensues.
- When your players check Outer Reaches relics and they say they are overpowered and cheap, they then remember what kind of hell Outer Reaches are and just accept it.
- Players volunteer for a recon mission to a lowest available level of a sleeping Tomb World. Yes, Outer Reaches do that to people.
- When your Ultramarine with Outer Reaches relic bolter, on 3rd Rank, generates double-digit Cohesion without using his Solo/Squad Mode to regain it, and with it and Exemplar of Honour he can easily generate 20+ Cohesion not counting mission objectives.
- When you have so many DW sessions and they are so meme-generating, you are posting a Wall of Text in this topic, again.
Fixed grammar, I was a little tired back then
Let's continue the Walls of Text.
I am fortifying this topic!
... let's leave Emperor Text-to-Speech device jokes aside...
You know you're playing Deathwatch when:
- 3 Astartes, around 5 Rank, can kill (with w few rounds of preparation) 600 Cultists in 3 Turns, than survive the 400 others attacking them and still kill enough of them next Turn that they start fleeing in terror.
- The same Astartes, getting hit by 12 Demolition Charges each, point-blank by suicidal Servitors do not even burn Fate Points.
- When a Horde of 100 Servitors is considered a small obstacle at best, and usually can only slow them down.
- Soul Grinder (basically bigger, stronger and tougher Defiler) is killed in 1 Round no problem.
- When Lamenter wants to become Chaplain somwhere in the future, and others point out that he just done a clearly Chaotic act, although he managed to hide it from them (eating gene-seed of a Chaos Space Marine, do not ask)...
... and he responds by remanding one of them that on another DW session, that player got to 90+ Corruption, had to burn Fate Point to avoid dying from excessive Corruption, had to afford a long purging and somehow he actually managed to become Chaplain in the end, so he he can't stop him now.
- Also, some of the players are so happy to gain some absolutely-not-Chaotic-natured-bonuses that in the end, in one of the groups out of 4 players only squad leader is truly pure, rest having at least once 30+ Corruption. And while you would think that it's totally out of character for Marine, they managed to do it without breaking it, somehow, and therefore they succeeded in fooling their nature, training, undying loyalty, out-of-character and in-character knowledge of how bad it is to became corrupted. Chaos can truly lure even the strongest.
- When players start to ask why they do not have Forbidden Lore: Chaos anywhere on Rank despite the fact that 1/4th of the Crusade resolves around Chaos, 1/3rd of Jericho Reach book and basically 1/3rd of Achillus Assault are about Chaos, Mark of the Xenos and First Founding have enough Chaos to last for a small campaign no problem, and even in Outer Reaches there's Chaos. Not counting daemonic Encounters in the Warp or Perils from Astropaths/Psykers/Librarians and such, and Xeno races worshiping Chaos.
- When your description of Elusis consists of "Statues, everywhere" repeated few times each time you describe it, and then adding "And basically Bottom Hive below it, so Hell below and Heaven above, except that Heaven is full of statues and plotting priests for some reason".
- When Elusis became a meme and Daemon Prince of Khorne decides that this place disgusts him so much, he's going to bombard it instead of conquering and move on. Not because it's hard to conquer, Elusis was like the first planet to fall to Chaos when Jericho fell, but because it's so unworthy of existing in any way, shape or form. DW Kill-Team with the same player considers Elusis a living, breathing cancer made of statues and ego of head priest and his followers and they suggest bombarding it instead of wasting time defending it against Tyranids.
- When so few people play Deathwatch, that your posts in this topic take way too much space compared to everyone else... :(. Seriously, I wish more people were here.
Your GM shows you something like this and you say "Who called in a kill team for that? "
When your Iron Hands player tells the Flesh Tearer that he's causing too much collateral damage.