I decided to set up a sister thread to these threads...
It's basically a thread about the wacky and nutty things that happens that let's you know you're playing a game of Deatwatch...
I will Start.
You know you're in Deathwatch when...
-The most "sensible" member of the Kill Team is the Space Wolf Tactical (Grey Hunter) Marine/ Wolf Priest.
-And yet the Kill Team leader is a Flesh Tearer w/ horrid Fellowship, and a high insanity and corruption score.
-Due to the insanity of the scenario/Team Make-up, said Space Wolf is forced into an "alliance" with the Inquisitorial Handler as they are the only two "reasonable" people in the entire Kill Team and both are constantly wary of Chaos Corruption.
-Despite being "Xenos Hunters" you still have to constantly fight Chaos Marines and Demons to the point that you try to convince your higher-ups to get a Grey Knight assigned to your kill team. Not because you can't pull it off, but because "it'd be less of a hassle" and "what part of 'XENOS HUNTERS' don't you Inquisitors understand!?" despite being forced to often fight said Chaos Marines and Demons.
-When you find out that a "pro-Xenos Rebellion" is a Chaos Front and/or of stories of Space Marines going "rogue" whose armor have fresh coats of paint, you groan and sigh and go, "Oh, it's the Alpha Legion...again. Welp, it's not xenos this time...again."
Note: Edited for grammar and to add links.
Edited by Brother Malachai