So many questions and only can remember one.

By Chris1613, in Star Wars: Rebellion

The card "Dig In", My question is this, does it stop 2 dmg to all units or just one. It reads like this, Discard 1 ground tactic card from your hand to block up to 2 damage. ex, I have 3 storm troopers in combat and the rebels hit twice, he splits his damage up to two of the three troopers then I use Dig In, will it stop the two points of damage on the two troopers or just one?

Edited by Chris1613

Dig In is a ground combat card, so you wouldn't be able to use that on Tie Fighters, but lets subsitute tie fighters for storm troopers, then yes you can stop up to two damage, doesn't have to be on one unit it could be on two different units.

If the attacker has 5 damage headed your way, then you can block any 2 of it, no matter what it's targeting, baring in mind that space and ground battles are separate instances.

Thank you guys, I realized my mistake when I put ties instead of troopers and changed it real fast. LOL!

On a related note, when it says "discard one ground tactic card", can this same card be the one I discard? What if it is the only tactic card in my hand?

Never mind. I found another thread in this question. My apologies.