Multiple criticals

By DarthBadger6, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

With criticals you either use the default critical rule or a special critical from a card.

Say you have an MC30 with APT and XX9s, if you attack and get two criteria icons can you spend one for the XX9s and another for the APT.

I believe you choose one or the other (or the default) , but just thought I'd check...

Edited by DarthBadger6

No, you can only ever resolve one critical effect ever, regardless of the number of crits you rolled beyond the first.

That's generally why it's not worth using multiple crit-dependent upgrades. It does give you more versatility but it's usually not a great use of the points as those upgrades tend to get in each others' way.

You can activate one critical effect... No matter how many Critical results you roll, only one can be activated.

That's what I thought.

Muito obrigado!

Remember though that XX-9s can flip 2 cards face-up which is sorta like double crit effect.

There can be only one.