Hey all. This isn't an article persay but just some lessons I'm learning about Yoshi while playtesting at home. Hopefully this will give some of you a bit of an extra step in building his deck. YOu can see my intial test deck in the deck building forums. I have moded the a lot since posting that. But it has been used to get most of the results I'm going to give to you.
Strengths and cards that must be played.
Right now he is a strong death and order character. If you are going to get the most out of his discard you have to go death. If you want the most out of his draw you have to go order. With that said I've found a death/order hybrid is best. Many of the cards that don't meet up at death share void. So you can just string off of void when you need to.
Discard is obviously his main strength and certain cards shine in his deck more then others.
The top of the list is Pavilion. This card combos with so much stuff its not funny. It is not a card that you have to base Yoshi around but it forces a person to never be set up into the perfect hand. If a person has 4 cards they want to play in that turn at best they are going to play 3 that they desire and be stuck with 3 other cards they didn't want to have. Yes its a terrain and can be blown up easily. That did happen a lot. But I found the other player at times had a harder time because they had to ditch things they needed from their hand. This card only worked well against when Yoshimitsu* was out.
Yoshimitsu*: This weapon is Yoshimitsu only and I'm glad it is. This card makes your opponent take damage every time they draw. It is non-commital R. as well. You can do damage on your opponents turn without having a reversal in your hand.
Excellent thief/Contemplation: These cards are must haves in Yoshi because they make it so your mill doesn't backfire on you. Also when played right you can have a fat hand going into your opponent turn. You will need that because Yoshi doesn't have a lot of stock defensive options.
War Between sisters: This card is you every turn level control. You need 4 of this card in your deck so you can mess with your opponent on their turn and force them to play a hand they didn't want to play. On top of that you don't have to pack more then 3 Meditating in Battle if you have this card.
Mt. Devil Divider: When I initally red this card I thought it kicked in when the oppoenent had less then 15 life. I was wrong. This card can be crazy good if you have the right damage pumps. I chose all life is prey. It worked well with I-Pressence to keep the offensive abilities of the other decks to a minumum. When I got 2 all life is prey's out I always used the second one on Mt. Devil Divider. Taking the 5 damage is hard but it is worth it. If done right you can 1 shot any 18 hand sizer.
My personal tech selection has Yoshi running off of throws so Master of Magic and I-pressence was essential so I could get crazy damage with All life is prey.
The main thing is that you are stripping their hand before they can do much and getting cards out that will always do damage so you can widdle them down. Throws give you that edge of consistent damage. Some people may want to go with Yoshi's attacks mainly because they discard as well. I would say that most of the attacks out side of Mt. Devil Divider don't serve him well and force you pack speed pumps. Also Wipe the floor, while nice, isn't manditory to strip someone's hand of cards. Its nice only in the first few turns. It is up to you if you want to play it or not.
Weaknesses and disapointments.
The biggest weakness he has is his health. i was quickly reminded that taking 5 from Mt. Devil Divider set me back a lot. Also you are many times in range to be easily punked by Hilde on her turn. Unless you pack Ka technique and undisputed ruler you are mainly waiting for moments to play your war between sisters if you have non-blocks in your hand. The other problem I saw was that Yoshi's commital to do damage is not as threatening as I thought. I may be reading this wrong but the opponent would only take damage due to a single card effect and not a stacked card effect. So say you land a throw using 2 keep them down. The opponent would discard a total of 4 cards. But each is a seperate effect so the commital would only do 2 damage and not 4 damage. If I am wrong on this then great. But if not you are playing Yoshi for his non-commital E.That being the case you are stuck with a situational discard function that doesn't go off well outside of throws or unblockables. Yes one good damage pumped throw could strip a hand of the opposing player but even then you only get half of the damage delt rounded down. So to strip 3 cards from your opponents hand you have to deal 6 damage getting a throw up to 12 damage. It is possible yes but a bit to much work for yoshi.
Lets look at some cards that I felt that disapointed me or didn't add much to the deck...
Keep them down: Against 7 hand sizers it can work but against 6 handsizers the card hardly ever went off because they are packing 3 cards going into my turn. This made the cards just sit there or get blown up by I pressence. .0
Flea: I have to wait to block before I can get this card down against my opponent. Yes it does serve its purpose on my turn if i don't have enough discard abilities out early game but the cost is a bit high for that.
Master of Ninjitsu: This card is not as useful as I thought it would be in my Yoshi throw deck. The main reason was I either stripped my opponent of their hand or I just made them not block which left a card in their hand. In the over psychology of the game the card is good but maybe not for Yoshi.
Leader of the Manjitou: When I first read this card I was crazy excited. When I played with the card I found a dark reality. Most draw functions only draw 1 card thus the effect never goes off. Sitting at 3 difficulity that is a hard pill to swallow. Stopping your opponents draw is essential but man does it hurt not have this card go off. Yes it does stop a Recon discard from ruining your day but that is about it. If you have Pavilion/Yoshi* combo out discarding to Finicial troubles may not be a wise idea.
Sacrafice for a cause: Its a good card but in yoshi you don't need it unless you are going against heavy damage redux or anti-discard foundations. Even then giving up 2 cards from your hand is going to hurt when you are trying to kill them. Yoshi has good draw but its a lot of draw 1 card . So you can easily tap yourself bad if you try to over draw. Sacrafice for a cause puts you at risk for over drawing.
Nimbus: Tried it for a bit. It has to be played after your opponent has no hand. You are better off playing lion slayer.
Those are my thoughts so feel free to add or subtract from it.