So I was re-reading the rulebook for peculiar rules and brush up before regionals and noticed this:
4. Place Obstacles: Starting with the player with initiative, each player chooses one obstacle token from the obstacles available and places it in the play area. The players place a total of six obstacle tokens. Obstacles cannot be placed at Range 1 of each other, or at Range 1–2 of an edge of the play area. After the sixth obstacle is placed, the player who does not have initiative chooses an edge of the play area to be his own; his opponent’s edge is the opposite side of the play area.
Does anyone know if there's something that overrules this? Has anyone ever seen someone choose a side other than what's in front of them?
Seems to me it'd be a sneaky strategy to place asteroids in a different manner knowing that you'll choose a different side as your own (if you don't have initiative). Thoughts?