Hi, I'm Braendig and I have a problem...
I tend to narrate my actions, give a rough idea of what I'm trying to do, ask for a skill check, roll, and then have a result.
This leads to very streamlined encounters and rapid conclusion of plots. For example, I recently infiltrated a compound and it went something like this:
I want to sneak into the facility: There are X defenses, so that'd be a Hard Stealth check: 1 success, 4 advantage
I want to sneak into the control room: Y guards, so Hard Stealth check: 2 success, 1 advantage
I want to hack into the computer system: ....
It took me something on the order of 15 minutes play time and 7 rolls to get into the facility, find what I came for, steal it, and get out.
This expands outward to searching for information, negotiating prices, looking for goods.... Basically anything that can be resolved with a die roll, I set the goals, ask for the difficulty, roll, and narrate the results...
It's becoming more mechanical than I'd like and I'm trying to figure out a way to make things more interesting and fun while at the same time slowing down the resolution and extending the session.
The reason I'm bringing this up in the GM board and not the main board is I'd like to run a campaign and I'm trying to preemptively correct for a failing I know I have as a player and would like to avoid as GM if possible.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to make the game more interesting and challenging than coming up with a plan, determining the difficulty of executing said plan, rolling the dice and... profit?
Thanks in advance.