Is it possible to use the breath template from within a pit

By morg3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is it possible to use the breath template from within a pit?

In our recent campaign game a player failed to evade a pit trap and then wanted to use his weapon rune with breathe ability from within the pit. There was a monster next to the pit itself with a few more behind it which were covered by the breathe template. Technically you are allowed to attack monsters next to the pit as you are considered to have a line of sight to them from within the pit.

Is this a legal attack? The FAQ doesn't cover this situation.

Yes, this attack is legal. You don't even have to see your enemies when you are using the breath template (compare the example from the FAQ). In fact, you can shoot right through rubble.

breath is optional, so you could even target the monster right next to the pit with a normal attack.

isnt it optional? its for monster at least..

Morg said:

Is it possible to use the breath template from within a pit?

In our recent campaign game a player failed to evade a pit trap and then wanted to use his weapon rune with breathe ability from within the pit. There was a monster next to the pit itself with a few more behind it which were covered by the breathe template. Technically you are allowed to attack monsters next to the pit as you are considered to have a line of sight to them from within the pit.

Is this a legal attack? The FAQ doesn't cover this situation.

The rule for the Breath Template is that a one-space large flying creature should be able to move from the narrow end of the template tot he target without leaving the confines of the breath template. If this could happen, then the target will be hit by the attack. LoS is not required, as illustrated in a slightly different way in the FAQ (look at the pictures concerning the hellhound breathing on heroes.) So yes, the hero could use a breath rune to hit targets he cannot see from inside the pit.

Turric4n said:

breath is optional, so you could even target the monster right next to the pit with a normal attack.

isnt it optional? its for monster at least..

Yes, it's optional. Blast is also.