Death Star Construction in at the Rebel Base

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I played yesterday and I suspected the Rebel Base was on Tatooine. The SYSTEM was empty, so I constructed a Death Star there. The card stated that the system must contain no rebel units. My opponent said "Ummm, but it DOES contain rebel units"...

This lead to some confusion. Was I able to begin construction of a Death Star on a remote system, IF that system turned out to be the rebel base (and simply hadn't been revealed yet?).

We decided that the rules implied that this was legal, so construction began. My friend however, had accidentally given away the location of the rebel base. (I was heading that way ANYHOW, because I suspected).

Did we play it correctly?

I believe this was legal. The rebel base is only reveled if Imperial ground units are there.

You can only construct on populous systems. Tattooine is not populous.

I had a different issue.

I used the death start to blow up a planet, and then increased loyalty by 1 in a neutral system. That neutral system was the secret rebel base, but I never built a unit on it so the rebels almost won near the end. But because the rebels don't have to revel their location until you land a ground unit they have no presence in that "SYSTEM" they have a secrete rebel base their that is not reveled yet.

This is an empty system as it stands. If the Empire gains loyalty or places ground units on the system that the Rebel Base is hidden, that system then becomes populated by the Rebel forces in the Rebel Base section of the board.

Edited by Stone37

You can only construct on populous systems. Tattooine is not populous.

I had a different issue.

I used the death start to blow up a planet, and then increased loyalty by 1 in a neutral system. That neutral system was the secret rebel base, but I never built a unit on it so the rebels almost won near the end. But because the rebels don't have to revel their location until you land a ground unit they have no presence in that "SYSTEM" they have a secrete rebel base their that is not reveled yet.

Page 12 of the "Learn to Play" book states:

If the Imperial player ever has loyalty or ground units
in the same system as the Rebel base, the Rebel base is
immediately revealed. When Imperial ground units enter
the system, the base is revealed before resolving a combat.
The Rebel play should have told you where the Rebel Base was after you gained loyalty on that planet. That's the true power of that card. Not only do you remove a planet, but gain info on all the planets in that region.

Dang, thats realy nice, im going to have to do that more often.

You can only construct on populous systems. Tattooine is not populous.

I had a different issue.

I used the death start to blow up a planet, and then increased loyalty by 1 in a neutral system. That neutral system was the secret rebel base, but I never built a unit on it so the rebels almost won near the end. But because the rebels don't have to revel their location until you land a ground unit they have no presence in that "SYSTEM" they have a secrete rebel base their that is not reveled yet.

I believe you are mistaken. The Construct Death Star card specifically states you must chose a REMOTE system.

I believe a remote system to be a non-populous system.

Oh then yea Ive played the death star card wrong.

Otherwise how would you build a DS on endor?

I thoguht I had to have a Blue Square to build the death start, Im thinking of Super Star Destoryer.

If I'm the Rebel player and the Imperial player pops a Death Star Under Construction where my base is, I'm moving my base pretty quick if ground units are approaching.

The Rebel Base System had units in it the System that just so happens to contain the Rebel Base does not, so construction was legal.

However, unless you had a fleet stationed there as well your opponent would have been free to activate the System and send a few ships from his Rebel Base and destroyed the DSUC, as it can't defend itself. That would keep the Rebel Base somewhat hidden as those units could have came from any adjacent system. Or if he is already found out he could have just revealed the base to cause a combat.

I might just keep my base there. I mean if it looks like a fleet is coming with ground forces, sure, bail. But if he's only bringing in some ships, why not stay put. Your threat is he finishes and blows you up knowing you were there all along. But unless he has good reason to do so, he might build and defend the thing there without ever knowing you were right under his nose.

Wouldn't that tick them off even more so at the end of the game. You win and then point out the base was being guarded by the Imp fleet the entire time.

Crabbok, I think you and your friend handled this correctly. If there's a DSUC at the location of the rebel base, but no ground units, then the rebel player can chose to stay mum or voluntarily reveal and move units from the rebel base to the chosen system. In neither case, would the rebel units prevent the placement of the DSUC however, since they were hidden.

Edited by KoalaXav

I would have voluntarily revealed my base if I had fighters at my base. This would have moved everything from the base space to the system with the DSUC. The fighters could have destroyed the DSUC. Then just move base locations.

I would have voluntarily revealed my base if I had fighters at my base. This would have moved everything from the base space to the system with the DSUC. The fighters could have destroyed the DSUC. Then just move base locations.

This would be particularly sweet if you had the objective card that gave you points for destroying a Death Star as well.

I would have voluntarily revealed my base if I had fighters at my base. This would have moved everything from the base space to the system with the DSUC. The fighters could have destroyed the DSUC. Then just move base locations.

Was thinking the same but then it occurred to me that we don't know for sure the DSUC was left vulnerable. The Imperial player could have had star destroyers and TIEs in the system and still not have revealed the rebel base.