Rebel Loyalty countdown moves WAY too slow, or are we wrong?

By BadAsh1, in Star Wars: Rebellion

According to our understand, the time token moves up one each round, but the Rebel loyalty token only moves down the line (from 14 downward) when you achieve an objective??? It should move each time we gain the loyalty of a new system! A lot of the Tier1 objectives are too "all or nothing" to get and are only worth 1 point to boot! We slogged through a 6 hour game and only saw the Rebel loyalty move down to 12. Are you serious? You'd have to survive 10 rounds or so without the Empire finding you to have a shot at winning. We were discovered in only 5 and had few options by then on where we could move with the mission card, so we were screwed.

My last game I had it down to 12 by round 6.... Really gotta focus on objectives, hit and run kinda tactics. You're not going to be able to just amass loyalty and build up a fleet and hit the empire head on.

You played really poorly then. It isn't that difficult to score objective points. This isn't Risk you aren't trying to conquer the galaxy as the Rebels.

You can find a poll on BGG with people reporting the results of thier first game. Most of those games are finishing between Rounds 7 and 9, with half being won by the Rebels. That would seems to indicate that people aren't having an issue scoring as many as 7 Objective points.

If you think you are close to being discovered...MOVE YOUR BASE! It fits in with the end of "A New Hope" and start of "The Empire Strikes Back" where the Rebel base was on Yavin. Then the Rebels moved their base to Hoth!

I will quarterback it for you in Star Wars: Rebellion terms.

1. The Rebel base was revealed in the Yavin system.

2. The Rebel player played the "Rapid Mobilization" mission to be able to move the base, but it only activates at the end of the turn!

3. That same turn, the DEATH STAR moves to the Yavin system destroy the Rebel base along with a contingent of TIE fighters.

4. But when the DEATH STAR moved in, the Rebel player had fighters (X-wings, Y-Wings) there and a space combat ensued.

5. There was one round of space combat. Many Rebel fighters and some TIE fighters were destroyed.

6. But after that first round of combat, the Rebels still had fighters left and they had the DEATH STAR Plans card. So they rolled 3 dice but did not get a direct hit icon on any of their dice.

7. Another round of space combat ensued with even more Rebel fighters and TIE fighters destroyed.

8. But again, after this second round of combat, the Rebels still had a few fighters left.

9. The Rebel player still had the DEATH STAR Plans card. But he actually looked at his action cards this time and saw that he had the "One in a million" card with both Luke and Wedge at the battle. So this time he used both of those card to score the direct hit dice roll he need to blow up the DEATH STAR. (2 Reputation points...woot!)

10. At the end of the turn, the "Rapid Mobilization" card activated. The Rebels were able to draw 4 "Probe Droid" cards and selected Hoth as their new base.

The points start coming in later rounds. Hit and run tactics are the Rebel's bread and butter. Destroy 3 points of health in a ground battle, then run! (gain a point) Blow up a Star Destroyer, then run! (gain a point) Occupy 6 different systems knowing full well the Empire will take most of them next round. (gain a point)


This is the way of the Rebellion, and it's REALLY annoying for the Empire.

If the Imperial player knows your objectives, it can become VERY hard to get them done. Many of them are very easy to counter aside from the Rebel player getting lucky.

I think there is a lot more going with this game then meets the eye. Especially when both players learn to play.

I found myself sending commanders on "Fake" missions just so I could get my real mission accomplished.

I would send Han on some wonky mission that didn't matter, hoping the Imperial player would send Vader to stop him, so that Chewy would be free to complete a sabotage mission.

The rebels need to do a lot of "faking out" to try and get things done.

I would even put the Rebel base on a populated system and then build units on that system and the rebel base. So far, the Imperial player does not think to look where I am am building units directly on the system.

No, the rebel loyalty does not move to slow. Seems to be fine to me. You just need to be more deceptive ;) .

No, the rebel loyalty does not move to slow. Seems to be fine to me. You just need to be more deceptive ;) .

And be unexpected like the Spanish Inquisition!

The objectives seem to get easier in tier 2 and 3. Be sure to use the starter mission to cycle the deck to pick ones that fit your situation.

The objectives seem to get easier in tier 2 and 3. Be sure to use the starter mission to cycle the deck to pick ones that fit your situation.

If by easier you mean harder to block, then yes. :)

Yes mine seemed to move fine. I was one turn away from winning as rebels when the Imps conquered the base. If I had taken a bigger chance and used Rapid Mobilization without using Misdirection first I probably could have pulled off a base move and won the game.

6 hours also seems like an excessively long time; my first game ended in round 9(?) after about 3 hours of play. 6 hours for 5 rounds seems like an extremely long first game.

The early rebel objectives can be challenging, but again deception plays a roll here as well; you need to convince the Imperial player that you hold different cards than you do, or even use the threat that you hold a certain card against him. For example, spread out your forces so it looks like you're going for the 'have forces in six different systems' card, and then surprise concentrate on an isolated SD to get the 'blow up a Star Destroyer' objective instead.


Edited by wminsing

If you are the type to really think through things heavily, this game will be a nightmare for you. My friend and I are both like this. My friend and I played 3 games, went 5+ hours each time and never actually finished a game.

Between this and your rules confusion in the other topic you started, this just doesn't seem to be your game, Ash.

If you are the type to really think through things heavily, this game will be a nightmare for you. My friend and I are both like this. My friend and I played 3 games, went 5+ hours each time and never actually finished a game.

You may want to put a clock on yourselves.

Based on a couple of play-throughs I think it's pretty well balanced in terms of how it works, it really makes your strategy and skill critical when determining what to do on any given turn, regardless of which side.

I think there is a lot more going with this game then meets the eye. Especially when both players learn to play.

I found myself sending commanders on "Fake" missions just so I could get my real mission accomplished.

I would send Han on some wonky mission that didn't matter, hoping the Imperial player would send Vader to stop him, so that Chewy would be free to complete a sabotage mission.

The rebels need to do a lot of "faking out" to try and get things done.

I would even put the Rebel base on a populated system and then build units on that system and the rebel base. So far, the Imperial player does not think to look where I am am building units directly on the system.

No, the rebel loyalty does not move to slow. Seems to be fine to me. You just need to be more deceptive ;) .


In our 2nd game I put the base in Utapau, based on the Imps. starting locations. Mon Mothma flipped it rebel loyalty and it immediately began making a Mon Cal Cruiser and Corvette... then I harrassed his forces at Geonosis and Sullust keeping him off his guard. I vacated the Utapau base on turn 2(!) and ditched the rebel fleet there into Dagobah, drawing the Imps into a fight they could win but at the cost of a Star Destroyer, stranding AT-ATs in Dagobah and pushing their response capabilities back to Corellia. The base wound up in Endor with potential response 4 turns away.

I completed all five stage 1 objectives and the two from stage II and won on turn 7. The rebels are hard to play but it works.

If you are the type to really think through things heavily, this game will be a nightmare for you. My friend and I are both like this. My friend and I played 3 games, went 5+ hours each time and never actually finished a game.

You may want to put a clock on yourselves.

Sounds frustrating. It's just how we are. Armada tends to go the same way with us, or it did for a long time. We are a bit better there.

If you are the type to really think through things heavily, this game will be a nightmare for you. My friend and I are both like this. My friend and I played 3 games, went 5+ hours each time and never actually finished a game.

You may want to put a clock on yourselves.

Sounds frustrating. It's just how we are. Armada tends to go the same way with us, or it did for a long time. We are a bit better there.

I'd have to imagine never finishing a game would be more frustrating then having to just pick an option from time to time. Moreover it may be hard for you to get a game outside of just the two of you with how long you are taking.

If you are the type to really think through things heavily, this game will be a nightmare for you. My friend and I are both like this. My friend and I played 3 games, went 5+ hours each time and never actually finished a game.

You may want to put a clock on yourselves.

Sounds frustrating. It's just how we are. Armada tends to go the same way with us, or it did for a long time. We are a bit better there.

I'd have to imagine never finishing a game would be more frustrating then having to just pick an option from time to time. Moreover it may be hard for you to get a game outside of just the two of you with how long you are taking.

Since neither of us actually bought this game, I think we will be alright. :-)

So far I own the game and I have played 9 times

1st Time I lost as Empire on turn 10

2nd time I won as Rebels on Turn 5

3rd Time I won as Rebels on Turn 6

4th Time I Won as Empire on Turn 6

5th time I won as rebel son Turn 5

6th Time I won as Empire on turn 7

7th Time I won as Rebels on turn 6

8th Time I won as Rebels on Turn 5

9th Time I won as Rebels on Turn 6

I have found that if the empire plays well they can prevent the rebels from completing their objectives However I have been really good as the rebels, stacking the deck in my favor using the Obi-wan investigation card. Striking when the moment is right, and for the most part the Empire never subjugates my planets on the start or just before a build operation, so it made it much easier to win as Rebels.