Want to get competitive but without players close by I basically construct decks and have my wife play against me. Where can I get caught up on what is going on in the metagame so I can be better prepared for the competitions?
Not being near the pulse for this game because of location - where can I keep updated on the metagame?
Cardgamedb is your best source.
Cardgamedb is your best source.
Ok, but what do you mean by that? Do they write articles? Do I just look at what decks are the best rated? What!?
Cardgamedb is your best source.
Ok, but what do you mean by that? Do they write articles? Do I just look at what decks are the best rated? What!?
All of the above. Most of the discussion goes on there and that is where the community hangs out. These forums are barely used as back in the day they never worked. Cardgamedb is owned by FFG now too.
Probably the best tool there for keeping up on the meta is the threads that compile winning decks from the tournament season.