Guard - Thalia - Fatigue

By DavekeC, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Thalia may move up to her speed when discarding a guard token to make an interrupt attack.

Guard token is removed to gain movement and 1 attack:

--> Does she also gain an additional movement from her ring of quickness ?

-->Can she burn fatigue to move even more during the guard?

-->Can heroes burn fatigue to move squares during a guard action in overall???


"you gain 1 mp in your turn"

"you can spend 1 fatigue to gain 1 mp in your turn"

no on all accounts

Turric4n said:

no on all accounts


Just a few points.

Fatigue: You can only spend fatigue for movement during your turn, not the OL's turn.

Tahlia: RoQ indeed does not grant the extra MP, but remember that anything that increases her speed will increase how many MPs she gets during her Guard action.