Question about captured leaders, help!

By AlbztheDude, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Played our first game last night and something came up. Can a captured leader assist in the mission to free themselves? Or does being captured stop them from helping?

Page 9 of the Rules Reference, 6th bullet point under 'Opposition': "A captured leader does not participate in the mission, and it is treated as if it is not in the system. The only time that a captured leader contributes its skill icons is when a mission is attempted against it."

Rescue missions are not attempted against a captured leader so the captured leader does not participate.

Played our first game last night and something came up. Can a captured leader assist in the mission to free themselves? Or does being captured stop them from helping?

Bump. Couldn't find an answer to this. The rules are silent, so I figured the default is the leader can participate. My wife used the reasoning that Leia helped in escaping the Death Star, so she won our discussion.

I don't have the rules with me at the moment but I do believe the rules reference booklet itemized everything that captured leaders can and can't do. If it does not specifically say they can assist in their own rescue, than they can't.

Edited by Zogwort

Would like to know for sure two, I was postie I read in a rule that a captured leader can't help out on missions. But if you attempt a mission against a captured leader that leader automatically opposes it, so why wouldn't they participate in their capture.

Thematically like your wife said it makes sense.

Says they cannot oppose, but it says nothing about assisting in a rescue. Seems to me then, that their dice rolls do count towards their own rescue.

Page 3

Captured leaders do not oppose missions, cannot return to the leader pool, and cannot be moved by the Rebel player.

• If a mission is attempted “against a captured leader,” the captured leader opposes the mission and rolls dice. The Rebel player can also send another leader from his leader pool to oppose the mission as normal.

Page 9

A captured leader does not participate in the mission, and it is treated as if it is not in the system. The only time that a captured leader contributes its skill icons is when a mission is attempted against it.

• When a mission is attempted “against a leader,” that leader automatically participates in the mission.

– All leaders in the system participate in this mission. – If a player sends a leader from his leader pool to oppose this mission, the mission is still being attempted against the original leader.

So does the rescue mission card have "against a leader" or "Against a captured Leader" in the wording? I don't have the card in front of me. But that will be your answer.

Not sure if there are more then one but found the wording.

Daring rescue

Attempt in any system that contains a captured leader. If successful then rescue that leader.

So, the answer is no, they cannot participate in their own rescue because that card does not contain "against a leader" or "Against a captured Leader" .

Interrogation card, is against a captured leader, so they participate (resist interrogation) in the mission, but also a leader can be sent to help them resist

I like how the question is answered in the second post of the thread and then the question is asked multiple times after that again...

I like how the question is answered in the second post of the thread and then the question is asked multiple times after that again...

With rulebook page reference and quotation even.

I like how the question is answered in the second post of the thread and then the question is asked multiple times after that again...

When I posted the "bump", the second post didn't exist, so I must have posted at the same time as the answer.

I like how the question is answered in the second post of the thread and then the question is asked multiple times after that again...

When I posted the "bump", the second post didn't exist, so I must have posted at the same time as the answer.

You know there is 34 minutes between the post times. Did you leave a tab open and come back to it a half hour latter?

He hasn't posted a lot, so his post had to go through "quarantine". I wondered the same thing when I was first read this topic...

He hasn't posted a lot, so his post had to go through "quarantine". I wondered the same thing when I was first read this topic...

Ah... That would explain it. At least the first couple.