Quality control issues with components?

By Silent Disapproval Robot, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hello all. I just picked up my copy of the game last evening. I got home and began to punch out counters and assemble the pieces and I noticed that there were quite a few defects with some components. I was wondering if this was a common issue or if I just got a bad copy.

One of the TIE fighter miniatures was broken and missing a wing. Fortunately I was able to find the missing wing in the box and that was an easy fix with some modelling glue. All four hemispheres comprising the models for the completed Death Stars were deformed to some extent and would not fit together easily. I put some felt protectors on my vise and tried to reshape the pieces back into the desired shape. I glued them and left them overnight but I see that it didn't hold and the pieces had separated somewhat between last night and this morning. Also, the pegs for the stands didn't fit onto the bases and I had to use a dremel to file the nubs on the base down a little in order to get the pegs to fit.

Finally, one of the game boards has some damage to it and a small (6-8mm) semi-circle shaped area along one of the edges is coming apart. The layers of cardboard aren't compressed together and it creates a large bump on the board.

(Oh yeah, and I managed to shred the bottom of a few leader chits when I slotted them into the plastic stands but that's on me and my flailing, spastic nerd hands)

I mean in a large enough production run these things are bound to happen. Take pictures and contact FFG.

The worst I had was slightly not straight Tie Fighter wings

Edited by ScottieATF

Contact FFG with your concerns and give them the opportunity to make it right. They always have in the past.

The plastic will react well to heat/cold. Make your death stars very warm, reshape them properly then instantly cool them to cause them to hold. Though I realize this is difficult when dealing with spheres.

I was missing my X-wings, but I just contacted them and am sure they will send replacements. Right? You can't blow up Death Stars without X-wings. Other than that I assume all the other miniature components are there. There doesn't seem to be a list of the individual numbers of them. But I also had trouble getting my Death Star II together. But it will work.

For now it looks like my X-wings will look like Pennies. I wonder if Abraham Lincoln was a Jedi?

One of my Rebel troopers is leaning back really far on his base, but it looks like he's pulling some Matrix **** so I haven't tried to correct it. Everything else was fine. Sorry about yours, though.

One of my Tie fighters had a panel broken off, his name is gimpy.

I have never had issues with FFG games, but, most games companies have extra stock laying around. Give them a call, tell them there was a problem with teh game and i can't see FFG not fixing it for you. UNless it was a design defect and all teh pieces have this issue, (one of the other GAMES companies that had a WORKSHOP, who will remain nameless, had issues with QC and didn't always play nice with component issues. One of the reasons I don't deal with them anymore).

I once got a misprinted Force die from FFG for the star wars role-playing game, and after a call they sent me a replacement, hassle-free. I even got to keep the misprint. Lol. Great customer service

MOST game companies are... MOST

Received mine missing all rebel troopers and 4 tie fighters.

Super bummer.

Got replacements for the Death Stars and half of the game board today. Awesome customer service!

Got replacements for the Death Stars and half of the game board today. Awesome customer service!

Good to hear. I figured as much, but, it is good to have confirmation

Had to add my two cents, (and kind of necro this thread). One of my At-ATs legs didn't set properly. My At-AT is dancing a jig. Was thinking of getting a replacement as he doesn't stand well, but, he is just so darn cute dancing away