Combat Dice Question

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Rebellion

The rules state: The player rolls dice matching the color

and quantity of the attack values of all his
participating ships or ground units. Each
attack is limited to a maximum of five red
and five black dice. (Learn to Play, Page 14)
Does this mean only that if your attacking force has more than 5 black or red dice those "extra" cannot be rolled? It caps at 5 each?

Yes. It's also to make sure there's no situation where someone can say "My attack is 6 red and 2 black. Since 5 is the cap, I'll just roll an extra red instead."

Ok. To be clear.... one should NEVER roll more than the 5 dice available for each color. So, if the Empire at the start of an attack round has a total attack value of 7 red and 4 black, the Empire would only roll 5 red and 4 black in that attack round?

Thanks for weighing in everybody!

Yes. You are correct.