Captured Leader Clarification

By Kytan88, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Something that came up when I was playing this game for the first time tonight (loving it so far :D :D :D ), and wasn't entirely certain from reading the rules:

If the Imperial player freezes a leader in carbonite, he/she replaces the "Captured Leader" ring with the "Carbonite" ring. Does this mean that the Imperial player can have a 2nd Rebel leader captured at the same time, with a different ring on each one? The only thing I can find in the rules says that when a 2nd leader is captured, the "Captured Leader" ring is taken off the 1st and put on the 2nd thus freeing the 1st.

Something that came up when I was playing this game for the first time tonight (loving it so far :D :D :D ), and wasn't entirely certain from reading the rules:

If the Imperial player freezes a leader in carbonite, he/she replaces the "Captured Leader" ring with the "Carbonite" ring. Does this mean that the Imperial player can have a 2nd Rebel leader captured at the same time, with a different ring on each one? The only thing I can find in the rules says that when a 2nd leader is captured, the "Captured Leader" ring is taken off the 1st and put on the 2nd thus freeing the 1st.

The rule about the Captured Leader ring is that you only have one. If you capture a leader while another leader has the Captured Leader ring on, you remove the ring from the 1st and put it on the 2nd. The rule about freeing the 1st leader is answering the question, "what happens to the leader that used to have the Captured Leader ring on it?"

However, in the case you mention, the 1st leader no longer had the Captured Leader ring on it anyway. The 1st leader had the Carbonite ring on it; it no longer had the Captured Leader ring on it anyway. Therefore, the above ruling isn't applicable; the 1st leader is still frozen because of the Carbonite ring, and the 2nd is captured because of the Captured leader ring.

To take it a step further, the Empire could tie up 3 rebel leaders at the same time.

They could capture Leader A (attaching the capture ring).

Then they could turn Leader A (replacing the capture ring with the turned ring).

Then they could capture Leader B (attaching the capture ring).

Then they could freeze Leader B in carbonite (replacing the capture ring with the carbonite ring).

Then they could capture Leader C (attaching the capture ring).

It would be a devastating blow to the Rebellion to lose 3 leaders (and the Empire would gain one), and by targeting the correct leaders, you could reduce the Rebel's ability to free them again. But having all the cards, and making all the successful captures and what not would be a pretty difficult plan to pull off I'd think.

In my game yesterday, the imperial player went really hard on capturing. Fett was on the capture every turn, used carbonite on ObiWan, later turned Mon Mothma to the dark side.

I was lucky in that i drew both Daring Rescues and Han has an action card that allows him to recruit either Chewie or Lando. Those allowed me to mitigate the effects enough.

To take it a step further, the Empire could tie up 3 rebel leaders at the same time.

They could capture Leader A (attaching the capture ring).

Then they could turn Leader A (replacing the capture ring with the turned ring).

Then they could capture Leader B (attaching the capture ring).

Then they could freeze Leader B in carbonite (replacing the capture ring with the carbonite ring).

Then they could capture Leader C (attaching the capture ring).

It would be a devastating blow to the Rebellion to lose 3 leaders (and the Empire would gain one), and by targeting the correct leaders, you could reduce the Rebel's ability to free them again. But having all the cards, and making all the successful captures and what not would be a pretty difficult plan to pull off I'd think.

Wow! That would be one nasty play. I think, (not having played yet cuz my LGS doesn't get it till NEXT WEEK!!!!), that if this ever happened, the only appropriate response is a rage quite, (complete with wookiee howl, if you are able).

Actually, just remembered that there is an action card that allows a captured Obi-Wan to die for an objective point.

So Capture Obi-wan, he kills himself.

Capture A, carbonite A.

Capture B, turn B.

Capture C.

You've reduced their ranks by 2, increased your ranks by 1, and captured two leaders.

So you could theoretically cut their playable leaders in half.

If the Imperial player uses "Capture Rebel Operative" against a Rebel Leader with SpecOps skills, can those skills be used to oppose the mission?

CRAP!!!! Something just occured to me. One leader captured, one in carbonite, one turned and Ol' Ben dead. Umm, how many leaders do you start with? I REALLY hope that the turn a leader and a freeze in carbonite are in different "eras".

Detain a 5th for some real pain for a turn.

If the Imperial player uses "Capture Rebel Operative" against a Rebel Leader with SpecOps skills, can those skills be used to oppose the mission?

Yes. "Attempt" missions are automatically opposed by all enemy leaders in the system, unless the leader is currently a captive.

EDIT: Even if the leader doesn't have skill icons matching the mission skill, it is still opposed. If the leader attempting the capture rolls no successes, the capture is a failure.

Edited by DyingTickles

CRAP!!!! Something just occured to me. One leader captured, one in carbonite, one turned and Ol' Ben dead. Umm, how many leaders do you start with? I REALLY hope that the turn a leader and a freeze in carbonite are in different "eras".

Start with 4 and recruit 4 more. The Imps can tie up 4 total if Ben makes the sacrifice.

Even tying up two though is pretty potent. Lets say you capture 1 on turn 4, and carbonite him and capture another turn 5. If the game ends on turn 8, you have created a situation where the Imp player has just earned 8 more actions than the rebels assuming they stay captured.