hellhound? I think not!

By Facepalm2, in Runewars

I was reading through the newest review of Runewars; looked at every picture. Everything was looking awesome, this is my favourite preview but i noticed a few wierd things with the miniatures. First the beastmen... it looks like an ape and what is with its arm; it looks like it is trying to solo the moonwalk... oh well it is probaly on a small scale so lets move on.

The Hellhound, that is what made me laugh; i am used to the miniature in descent. This one reminded me; infact it looked almost exactly like a cat in a cartoon when it gets scared and its fur goes on end and has its head turn. That was funny.

Any one else notice the unusualness of them all. well at ,most those two.

The thing that struck me as funny was how the pose for the razorwing in this game would probably have worked better in Descent, and pose they have in Descent wouldn't (probably) have been an issue here like it is there. I'm referring to how razorwings are one space creatures that don't at all fit into one space on the Descent board. =P

Ya, i can see that too, i know what you mean by problems in descent with the raxorwing; it tended to push other guys off of there square.

I was surprised that they used new sculpts at all for the creatures. For keeping costs low, it seems like they should have stuck with the originals.

Maybe a second edition of Descent is in the works? Different figures could help encourage people to pick up a new edition.

Lindsey said:

I was surprised that they used new sculpts at all for the creatures. For keeping costs low, it seems like they should have stuck with the originals.

Maybe a second edition of Descent is in the works? Different figures could help encourage people to pick up a new edition.

These miniatures seem smaller then Descents so i do not think that this signals anything for Descent.

My guess is that for some of the figures that are remade, the reason for the new sculpts is likely due to the shape of the base. With the exception of the Sorcerer, all the neutral creatures have non-square bases, and since the bases are PART of the sculpt, to do a new shape you'd probably need pretty much a whole new sculpt.

Why the Sorcerer changed, I don't know, except maybe they figured if they were changing all the other monsters, they may as well do that one, too. And maybe they made it "smaller"?

That's a good point about the base shapes. Unless Fantasy Flight got really creative, that means they can't reuse figures (except the heroes, with their convenient round bases) in their other games. Scale could well be different, too, though it'll look strange if it's too different from the scale of the heroes.

I agree with Sigma that the reason so many monsters are getting new sculpts is due to the base shape. I'm sure they would've reused the original monster sculpts if they could've, but since the base shape is an important part of the combat mechanic they couldn't in this case. (I'm quite sure that they deliberately made sure the base shape for heroes was a circle specifically so they could recycle the hero molds from RB/Descent.)

I also agree that the scale of these new molds looks like it won't match up with Descent monsters. I was expecting most minis to be to scale with the heroes, except for a few that would be far too large (ie: seige engines, dragons, most hexagon units.) This is a bit of a surprise given earlier predictions, but not the end of the world. For those who were hoping to port some of the new figures in RW over to Descent, I'm sure there will be ways to make it work.