Slaanesh's Domination / Forced March

By TravisS, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Slaanesh's Domination

Action : Reveal up to three cards at random from one target opponent's hand.

You may play any tactics thus revealed as though they were in your hand for no cost.

Forced March

Play during your turn

Action : Move one target unit from its zone to another zone controlled by the same player.

If I play Slaanesh's Domination and get a Forced March in the revealed cards, can I play it? It doesn't fall under the cannot/can rule. Can I only play it if Slaanesh's Domination is played on my turn? My opponent played Slaanesh's Domination on my turn during my attack phase. Forced March was in the three cards. Can he play my Forced March?


same with Troll's vomit and other cards that specifically say "play during your turn"

A good question, though im assuming you can't, based on a literal interpretation of the cards, since it is technically not "your turn" and the card specifically says "play during your turn".

There is a reason they put this limitation on cards like Troll's Vomit and forced march, likely because the designers realized how powerful they are. Having the ability to play Troll's vomit at the end of your opponents turn would allow you to have a free turn to spend all your resoures to drop units and attack his undefended territories, whereas since you are only allowed to play it during your turn, you have to first pay for troll's vomit, limiting the damage you can do to your opponent.

Whats the official nate on this?

SD says "You may play any tactics thus revealed as though they were in your hand for no cost." (inphasis mine).

It stands to reason if the card was in your hand you could play it during your turn, no?

hah, emphasis I meant.

Definitely agree.

If you're using Slaneesh's domination in your turn and you "draw" Troll Vomit, you CAN play it caus "it's your turn". If you use it during a oppo's turn, you can't.

Thanks that makes sense. I didn't know if the cost of playing the card meant all restirictions on the card or if it just meant the resource cost of the card.

That leads me to a second questions about Slaanesh's Domination .

What happens if I pull a Flames of Tzeentch with it? How much damage can Flames of Tzeentch do if pulled by Slaanesh's Domination ?

Zero. The damage is the amount you pay for it, since you aren't paying any costs you can't do any damage... or more to the point, you are paying 0 so you do 0 damage. Still good to get rid of the card anyway, but you can't turn it against your opponent.

im sure i know the answer to this, but if you play slaanish domination, pick a card (like troll's vomit) and then can't or dont want to play it, i assume it goes back in the players hand, and not in the discard pile.

Back in your opponents hand, correct?

Makes Sense. Thanks

dormouse said:

Zero. The damage is the amount you pay for it, since you aren't paying any costs you can't do any damage... or more to the point, you are paying 0 so you do 0 damage. Still good to get rid of the card anyway, but you can't turn it against your opponent.

Do the costs of targeting units protected by effects that increase targeting costs factor into the "cost" of playing for free via Slaanesh? (King Kazdor for example). Do you still have to pay the extra 3 resources to use a tactic stolen via Slaanesh against Kazdor?

"Do the costs of targeting units protected by effects that increase targeting costs factor into the "cost" of playing for free via Slaanesh? (King Kazdor for example). Do you still have to pay the extra 3 resources to use a tactic stolen via Slaanesh against Kazdor?"

Yes, because you are playing the card as if it is from your hand, and if you were playing it from your hand, you would have to pay that additional cost to target Kazdor, or if that Empire church card was in play.

Similiary, you could not target a unit you got with Slaanesh Domination that you couldnt otherwise target with any other card.