I just pulled a Sephiroth.
But i really was hoping for Cloud.
Any takers on a trade?
Trading Sephiroth
Check my trade thread as I'm willing to trade for an extra, but seeing as dont' NEED him, it'll be hard to get anything I only have 1 of off me.
TheChampIsHere said:
Check my trade thread as I'm willing to trade for an extra, but seeing as dont' NEED him, it'll be hard to get anything I only have 1 of off me.
your link dont work =/
Sorry, my trade thread should be on the first or second page of the Agrabah Bazaar, just check that. If you look at who created teh topic, it should say my username.
Thanks for the deal, but I'm going to have to decline. I already have a Sephy, and I just thought it would be nice to have an extra. I only have one Cloud, and I don't think I'd me willing to trade it unless the deal was good for me, but considering I'm just losing a rare card, thanks anyways.
fine with me i just want cloud over seph.
well i am looking for these cards that i would be willing to trade for sephiroth:
HOLO Dark Riku
Oblivion (attack card)
Ultima Weapon
Cloud =)
2x Auron
2x Cid (Promo)
Break of Dawn (Promo)
3x Soul Eaters
or money =)
Well, I have the following on your list:
Oblivion (attack card) * 3
Ultima Weapon * 1
2x Auron * 2
2x Cid (Promo) * 1 Non-Foil, 1 Foil
Break of Dawn (Promo) * 1 Event 1 Foil
3x Soul Eaters * 3 Non-Foil
I'd trade them all for your Sephiroth if you're interested. E-mail me at
if you are because I haven't been checking on here all that much lately.