Haves: night breakers and stuff... Wants: yugipons (yugioh) and ps3 stuff

By OMG2, in UFS Trading

I back here for another big trade.


1. i dont want to trade a little bit of it.

2. negs or 0 refs always go first no question

3. i probably wont trade out of US

4. have fun

5. i go by my trade ref on **** which is only +5,0

My stuff:

2x knigh breakers

4x mark of the beast (3x foil)

4x cursed blood (foil)

3x soul wave

1x peacful way

astrid starter stuff

4x fierce twin slash

1x seigfried's earth divide

2x double grounder beta

2x close throw (1x foil)

2x dark geo de ray (decked)

4x bloodied but not unbowned

3x white crane

alot of good common/uncommon staples


i also want:

good ps3 fighting games

a good ps3 fight stick (preferrably hori)

Call of duty:modern warfare 2 (ps3)

is there anything specificaly that you need?

i want stuff right now like mezuki's, plaguespreader, dark grepher, dark armed dragon

but i want alot of stuff... thats just the stuff i would rather have at the moment

Want your 2 breakers. Have lots of notable Yugioh cards. Vayu, BW Armor Master, Dark Simorgh, Trageodia, Destiny Draws, D Hero Malis etc

post what you have and ill look... i totally want some malicious and d draw action

Well I could do the 2 D-Draws for the 2 breakers?

lol i dont want ddraw if i dont get malis

could you just send me a list so i can see what you have


does anybody have yugioh/ps3 stuff? will trade easy for it

Updated wants: Morrigan mat or really good mats