OL Deck

By GT_Entropy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We've had Descent for a while and moved a couple times. Would someone cure my paranoia and tell me how many cards are suppose to be in the unmodified OL deck (I have all expansions)? If someone could make a list of how many of each card is included that would be awesome!


Hi there,

there should be a total of 48 cards in the deck:

36 from JitD (one replaced Explosive Rune from WoD)

3 from WoD

6 from AoD

3 from ToI (the rules mention a "Lone Wendigo" card to be added to deck which does not exist. There's only a "Prowling Wendigo" treachery card).

Here's a complete list:

2 Bane Spider Swarm JITD
2 Beastmen War Party JITD
1 Brilliant Commander JITD
2 Charge JITD
1 Crushing Block JITD
1 Curse of the Monkey God JITD
1 Dark Charm JITD
3 Dodge JITD
1 Evil Genius JITD
1 Explosive Door JITD
1 Explosive Rune JITD
2 Gust of Winds JITD
1 Hell Hound Pack JITD
2 Hordes of the Things JITD
1 Mimic JITD
1 Paralyzing Gas JITD
2 Rage JITD
1 Razorwing Flock JITD
2 Skeleton Patrol JITD
1 Sorcerer Circle JITD
2 Spiked Pit JITD
1 Trapmaster JITD
3 Aim JITD
1 Ferrox Tribe WOD
2 Kobold Swarm WOD
1 Black Order AOD
1 Blood Ape Tribe AOD
1 Crushing Block AOD
1 Danger AOD
1 Dark Balm AOD
1 Paralyzing Gas AOD
1 Lava Beetle Scouts TOI
1 Lone Medusa TOI
1 Shade Spooks TOI

In case you want to also check all of your treachery cards, check here:


Great! Thanks alot! I think we actually have one extra card somewhere, maybe I forgot to take an old printing out at some point.