Mimic, Scything Blades, Ranged Attack questions.

By grave_scrooge, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I did a search couldn't find the answers:

1) When playing Mimic it says to "activate" the chest and treat it as a Beastman. To me activating a creature means giving it an advance action. So, can I attack the Hero when he opens the chest then move away? Each turn can I continue to give the chest move/attack actions?

2) If someone gets hit by Scything Blades but negate the damage due to an item do they still get the Bleed token?

3) If someone is using the subterfurge skill allowing them to draw LOS from an adjacent square do they also count range from that square as well?

Thanks : )

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) No

Yes to all three, actually.

For number 3, it says on the card that you count Range and LoS as if you were attacking from an adjacent square.

Thundercles said:

Yes to all three, actually.

For number 3, it says on the card that you count Range and LoS as if you were attacking from an adjacent square.

"When making a Ranged or Magic attack, you may trace line of sight from any empty space that is adjacent to you."

It says nothing about range, and has no errata.

Thundercles said:

For number 3, it says on the card that you count Range and LoS as if you were attacking from an adjacent square.

I'm afraid you must be thinking of something else; it says no such thing.

I believe James' answers are all correct.

I didn't know that you still get the bleed token even if you don't do any damage with the scything blades. I don't have the card(s)/rules here at work, what does it state that you still get a bleed token? (as normally you have to do damage (before applying armor) to get a bleed token).

Itr says "take 2 damage and get a bleed token," not "take 2 damage. If you take any damage, get a bleed token."

Aaaaah, i misread the original question. i thought he meant if the targetted hero avoided the damage by rolling a surge, he would still get a burn token, explaining my confusion.

All clear now! happy.gif