Wich are the best heroes??

By MeisterH, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've been thinking about how some heroes are much better then others and how it seems that som like Aurim just suck no matter how you look at him. So I was wondering if you have any best heroes setups or the best hero over all.

Hm there was an Investigator ranking at the Arkham Horror board a while ago (it was on the old forum I think) where every Investigator started with 10 points and every user could take a point away from one hero and add one to another hero (something like that). Maybe we could do this here, too?^^

Personally (playing mostly vanilla Descent) I'd say Tahlia and Kirga are among the most powerful.

Actually, this has been discussed in a couple other threads here in the last month or so. Instead of repeating those discussions, maybe you can browse back a bit and find the threads.

A link would be handy ^^^^

The only ones I would consider outlawing in RtL

Nanok - Can level up to Gold level armour during Copper level of campaign.

Zyla - Only worth one Conquest and immune to 1/3 of my attacks.

Wolf / Halfling dude. - Very fast + high fatigue + 1/3 attacks will miss.

I'm not a big fan of Kirga the Tracker and Spiritspeaker Mok because I prefer Heroes to be helping themselves and the Overlord to be stopping them, not the other way round.

thalia, kirga, torben, landrec are the most powerfull in my oppinion (playing descent, aod, rtl)

Jake yet again said:

A link would be handy ^^^^

The only ones I would consider outlawing in RtL

Nanok - Can level up to Gold level armour during Copper level of campaign.

Zyla - Only worth one Conquest and immune to 1/3 of my attacks.

Wolf / Halfling dude. - Very fast + high fatigue + 1/3 attacks will miss.

I'm not a big fan of Kirga the Tracker and Spiritspeaker Mok because I prefer Heroes to be helping themselves and the Overlord to be stopping them, not the other way round.

I banned only Zyla when we drew the characters for the current camapign.

The Wolf/Halfling (Okaluk): high fatigue??? He has 2 fatigue from the start, so a max. radius of 15. This is rather slow compared to a 5 speed/5 fatigue runner, who has a max. radius of 19 (always using a fatigue potion, of course). But the miss chance is slightly higher than 1/3 ;-)

Jake yet again said:

A link would be handy ^^^^

I did do a few searches but the crappy search engine here got in the way.

Well, broadly speaking the best heroes are the ones with three dice in one attack type. The 2/1 splits can be iffy sometimes and the 1/1/1 splits are all but useless. Even some interesting hero abilities don't seem to make up for the loss of attack specialization. Laughing Buldar is probably the best tank I've seen so far. His ability to use a two-handed weapon and a shield makes him scary. I haven't seen any of the other ToI heroes in action yet, but I wouldn't ban any of them until I had at least seen them in action.

I generally disapprove of banning elements of the game. Sometimes a new hero can take me by surprise, but after playing a couple games against them I find their weakness and then its nothing special. Kirga's ability is truly powerful, but most of the time the heroes don't use it to best effect. Buldar is an awesome tank, but if I can draw him off to one side the monsters can get around him easily enough.

I think it depends on whether you're playing Road to Legend or a vanilla quest. For instance, in Road to Legend characters like Karnon who get a big boost at the expense of a skill aren't at as much of a disadvantage as they normally would be. Other characters who have strong situational abilities like Laurel Bloodleaf become much more powerful when you can cherry-pick their skills (give her Rapid Fire, Lucky, Born to the Bow, a few silver/gold dice, Crack Shot, and Precision and she becomes one of those rare ranged character that actually outputs tons of damage).

I've been thinking about trying to beef up the 1/1/1 trait characters, especially Aurim, do you have any good sugestions on how??

WIthout rewriting the characters in question, you could maybe give them a bonus on startup, like allow them to draw two of each skill instead of one, and pick the ones they like.

As a Hero, I love the wolf-rider. His speed of 6 is frightning, especially in RtL where you can upgrade his fatigue (taking away his balancing weakness). Couple that with his innate invisibility and he's quite formidable. For fighters, Hawthorne is always a fearsome fellow with his Reach ability. Buaglin is good, and I've always liked that dwarf guy who always has 2MPs (can't remember name). Of the mages, the +2dmb, +2 surge, +2 Pierce ones are always good (Carthos? Landres? And Runehand something or other). As for range/subterfuge/ranger, I like Skye, but the others I haven't found one any particularly better than the others yet...


shnar said:

Buaglin is good, and I've always liked that dwarf guy who always has 2MPs (can't remember name).

Excuse me - who is Buaglin? Did I miss a hero? Or is it some kind of anagram for (Laughin) Bulgar?

The dwarf is Brother Glyr - and yes, I also liked to play him, although he will catch every single trap in the whole dungeon. ;-)

In Vanilla, Landric is just obscene, if you have the expansion with the shop blast rune. You are talking about practically guaranteed Blast 1 and on occasion Blast 2, as a stock starting character. If you get a better blast rune ever, it's pretty much instant win, as no other trash mobs in a new room will last beyond his turn.

Graf said:

shnar said:

Buaglin is good, and I've always liked that dwarf guy who always has 2MPs (can't remember name).

Excuse me - who is Buaglin? Did I miss a hero? Or is it some kind of anagram for (Laughin) Bulgar?

The dwarf is Brother Glyr - and yes, I also liked to play him, although he will catch every single trap in the whole dungeon. ;-)

Sorry, was thinking of Buldar (?), the guy that can use a 2H with one hand...
