Time Setting?

By Harraitmsp, in Rogue Trader

When does Rogue Trader take place in the 40k time setting? Obviously late in the 41st milennia(no 13th Black Crusade, Tau are hardly known, few necrons), but I was wondering if there was an exact date? I plan on ignoring it anway most likely, but would just like to know, can't seem to find it anywhere in the book.

815.M41 (or is it 816?).

Harraitmsp said:

When does Rogue Trader take place in the 40k time setting? Obviously late in the 41st milennia(no 13th Black Crusade, Tau are hardly known, few necrons), but I was wondering if there was an exact date? I plan on ignoring it anway most likely, but would just like to know, can't seem to find it anywhere in the book.

Per the official timeline released a couple of months back, 816M41, about a year after the default starting date for Dark Heresy.

I'd question the need for an exact date in any case. So long as you're careful not to reference events inappropriate to the general time/place (As it seems from your post, you are), it's not going to make a lot of difference what the "official" date is. My up-and-coming adventure is going to be set at 445.M41, just after the First War for Armageddon (Though, admittedly that event would only be known as a faint rumour to a very few)

Final quarter of the 42nd Milennium, not the 41st (that would actually be /M40). It's really up to your GM, though, truth be told.

Gaidheal said:

Final quarter of the 42nd Milennium, not the 41st (that would actually be /M40). It's really up to your GM, though, truth be told.

Nope. M41 is the 41st millennium. That's what the "M" stands for, millennium. The date written out as we would write it would be 40,816 if the date was the eight-hundred and sixteenth year of the forty-first millennium (816.M41).

Good point, the clue was in the name, really (40,000) LOL I was confusing myself with the date code versus C20 = 19xx, etc. I stand corrected.

Gaidheal said:

Good point, the clue was in the name, really (40,000) LOL I was confusing myself with the date code versus C20 = 19xx, etc. I stand corrected.

The name of the setting makes a bit more sense now, eh? ;-) Likewise, the doom and gloom about the the Imperium existing now in the Times of Ending is quite correct as are the assertions that the Wahammer 40k universe will end after 999.M41 (the date the setting has been stalled out on for some time now) for in the year 001.M42 (or would it start on 000.M42?), the Warhammer 40k universe will be annihilated --and in it's place will be the universe of Warhammer 41k!

Oh, it always made sense, my mind just did a track-jump is all, mate.

P.S. (**** the lack of edit) It starts at 000, in fact there is a thread that I read just yesterday which recounts the full decoding of Imperial dates, as detailed in an old WD issue. I'd forgotten the details of those, as I mentioned in that thread but it was all spelt out quite a long time ago, really and little details like that are all the more valuable to us for roleplaying in the universe rather than just fighting epic battles or planetary skirmishes with our favourite army.