So me and my fellow players got ourselves a Crack Crew upon creating our starship, so they have a Skills and Characteristics rating of 40 (according to Table 8-9 on page 214). Now does that mean that they all have 40 in all characteristics or just the characteristics related to the skill their job on the ship would entail? (ie the pilot would have an Agility score of 40 but, say, 30 in all others, and the Tech-user would have an Intelligence score of 40 but, again say, 30 in all others.)
Our GM seems to think the latter, and he doesn't think it would extend to the soldiers (or whatever you'd call the ones who would fight off an enemy boarding party) in the crew we brought with us as defence down onto the planet we were supposed to explore. He gave them a characteristic score of 30 in everything instead, including the very important BS. And he also thought they would be about as loyal to me (as I am the Rouge Trader) as a common merc; wouldn't think twice about saving their own skin instead of fighting a losing battle, even if I was standing in battle with them. I was under the impression that a Rouge Trader would command a bit more respect and loyalty than that.
So more or less, I'd just like to hear other views on our situation here. Would you agree with our GM's choices?