Feat: Preventing Evil and Spawning

By DavekeC, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


When playing the feat "Preventing Evil" or something from ToI expansion, on a spawncard the overlord wanted to play,
What are the consequences on the whole spawn mechanic ? Does it mean the "reinforcement marker" is still used up and the OL has to spend another 15 threat to be able to spawn again on that level ? Or does the OL just play another spawn card if able that same round / or just keeps his "reinforcement marker" unused since he didn't spawn yet that level ?


DavekeC said:


When playing the feat "Preventing Evil" or something from ToI expansion, on a spawncard the overlord wanted to play,
What are the consequences on the whole spawn mechanic ? Does it mean the "reinforcement marker" is still used up and the OL has to spend another 15 threat to be able to spawn again on that level ? Or does the OL just play another spawn card if able that same round / or just keeps his "reinforcement marker" unused since he didn't spawn yet that level ?


The OL does not get to put the card in play and does not even have to pay threat for playing it. Therefore the card has not been played and the OL is free to play a different spawn card this turn. The reinforcement marker should be unaffected as the card has not been played.

A much worse case is if the OL has just payed 15 threat to re-flip the reinforcement marker close to the end of a level and then gets his single spawn card cancelled by the Feat - 15 threat down the drain... (even worse is a Disarm Feat on a Dance of the Monkey God -. 25 threat for nothing)

Parathion said:

A much worse case is if the OL has just payed 15 threat to re-flip the reinforcement marker close to the end of a level and then gets his single spawn card cancelled by the Feat - 15 threat down the drain... (even worse is a Disarm Feat on a Dance of the Monkey God -. 25 threat for nothing)

So i presume you mean that in your oppinion it flips the "reinforcement marker" then in contrast with the 2nd poster ?
It would be so nice to have an official answer on these questions !

No, Parathion is describing a situation where the marker is already flipped, and you pay threat to un-flip it so that you can play a spawn card, and then the spawn card is canceled. In such a case, it would remain un-flipped, and you could play another spawn card if you have one, but you might not have chosen to un-flip the marker.