What defines "Intercepting"? Is it committing a character to a story? Is it declaring, explicitly, that you are "intercepting"? Is it a state of mind?
Would Y'golonac be able to do the following strategy?
A) Player 1 uses Y'golonac to drag player 2's character into the story.
B) Player 2 is now "intercepting" against his will?
C) Player 3, the far more powerful player, now does not have the option to "intercept", because Player 2 is already doing that.
This is how I interpret the rules. My friend claims that being dragged into a story against your will is not "Intercepting" the story. So, even though Player 2 dragged the character in, Player 3 can still "intercept".
Would someone be able to explain this in a way substaniated by the rules? We fail to convince each other. Thanks!