if you declare no cards can your opponent respond with torn hero to commit it as it is one difficulty ( just a thought i had and wasnt 100 percent sure, also thought some one else might what to know)
Sacrifice for the cause
Yes, because Torn Hero over writes the stipulation "X or less" part of Sacrifices with the stipulation "this card instead."
at first i wanted to agree with tinman cause it makes sense that even though the difficulty specifying part of sacrifices gets ignored by torn hero but i want to say that if for some reason you activate it and call 0 cards and your opponent has no 0 diff or blank foundations torn hero cannot react. Personally i don't know why you would do that but since torn hero says "Before your opponent COMMITS a card" and you don't have a target to commit it can't react.
Otherwise i agree with tinman. Just wanted to throw that out there
That gets into the whole Kazuya vs Killer Android without assets debate. Torn Hero reacts before any commital actually happens, so there no point where you HAVE to commit a 0 difficulty foundation. Instead, Torn Hero says "Look, they are trying to use a commit effect. I can redirect it onto myself." Not, "Look, they commited something, I will uncommit it and commit myself instead." That is how I understand it.
Hey guys, don't forget that Torn Hero does NOT work like Killer Android. It has a functional errata that makes it respond before the commit, rather than when the ability is played.
So no, if you chuck 0 and they don't have any 0 diff foundations, Torn Hero can't respond.
but if they do have 0 diff foundations it can react????
but isnt torn hero's R: a redirect, so by discarding one momentum you have redirected it to a non legal target and not commited it since it still relies on the text on SFtC to see weither or not it acctualy dose get commited. since 1>0 it would just fizzle the ability and you have just lost one momentum vs their 0 cards discarded to a reusable form
No, because again, Torn Hero has an errata which makes it redirect a commit in progress, rather than redirecting the ability itself.
The correct text for the response ability is "R Discard 1 momentum: Before your opponent commits a card in your staging area, they commit this card instead." - taken from the Errata thread pinned to the top of Q&A.
If they have a 0 difficulty foundation which would be committed by Sacrifice, Torn Hero may respond. Otherwise, no.