Do figures in a pit block LOS?

By theasaris, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Using common sense I'd say no, but then there is the question of how deep these pits really are. Is there an official ruling? I could find rules regarding LOS to/from figures IN pits but not across.

There is no rule stating that they no longer block line of sight, therefor they follow the standard rules.

Given that soaring creatures (supposedly 4 squares straight up) still block movement and line of sight, I don't see them adding a rule that changes figures in pits any time soon.

theasaris said:

Using common sense I'd say no, but then there is the question of how deep these pits really are. Is there an official ruling? I could find rules regarding LOS to/from figures IN pits but not across.

I forget where, but somewhere (hopefully someone else will provide a link) there is a ruling that figures not in LOS do not block LOS.
The example was a line of skeletons stretched out behind a block in a corridor. Under the original RAW, the block blocks the first skeleton, who blocks the second skeleton, whoe blocks the third skeleton, etc etc. The ruling changed that so that the first skeleton, not being in LOS, would not block LOS to the second skeleton. Thus the second skeleton would be in LOS, blocking the third and fourth, but not the fifth.


H = hero, O = empty space, B = block, s. = hidden skeleton, S = visible skeleton
(Note: its early in the morning and I'm having difficulty mentally putting this on the block board, so the numbers of hidden skeletons may be slightly wrong - hopefully the idea is still clear.

theasaris said:

Using common sense I'd say no, but then there is the question of how deep these pits really are. Is there an official ruling? I could find rules regarding LOS to/from figures IN pits but not across.

As James said, there is no rule that suggests a figure in a pit is no longer within LoS of those outside. There is a rule that says the figure in the pit can only see spaces adjacent to the pit, but nothing about who can or can't see him/her. Thus yes, the figure in the pit can be seen by people outside the pit and he does block LoS to other figures across the pit from the first. But he can't see people himself unless they're adjacent. Welcome to Descent.

Corbon said:

I forget where, but somewhere (hopefully someone else will provide a link) there is a ruling that figures not in LOS do not block LOS.

It's in the GLoAQ , though I've argued elsewhere that's a bad ruling that complicates the rules and creates more problems than it solves.

Regardless, though, it doesn't apply here, because pits only shield you from enemy LOS in your house rules, not in the official rules. Also from the GLoAQ:

"Pits have no effect on the line-of-sight or line-of-effect blocking abilities of the monsters contained inside them. A figure in a pit has its own line of sight restricted, but figures not in a pit treat that figure normally for purposes of line of sight."


Whoa, that really complicates matters! I don't think my gaming group will enjoy the discussions and just stick to RAW in that specific case.

Antistone said:

"Pits have no effect on the line-of-sight or line-of-effect blocking abilities of the monsters contained inside them. A figure in a pit has its own line of sight restricted, but figures not in a pit treat that figure normally for purposes of line of sight."

Hmm, ok. That clarifies it. Although I must admit I'm not happy with the ruling. But then again, using common sense in Descent frequently seems to be a bad idea....