Yoshimitsu Free Style (Choppa Style)

By griderdog1, in UFS Deck Building

Yoshimitsu *


Contemplating x 4
Excellent Thief x 4
Risky fighting Style x 4
Meditating in Battle x 4
Financial Troubles x 4
war between sisters x 4
For Justice x 4
Master of NinJitsu x 4


Bad Stomach x 4
Deathcopter Attack x 4
Flooded-nile Throw x 4
Evil Mist x 4
Crushing Embrace of the Jotun x 4


Pavilion x 2
Yoshimitsu x 2


Flea x 3

tell me what cha think, 5 star deck so i know legacy he can be way better and when i get da cards, iam takeing out flees and putting in 2 mor Pavilions and 1 more Yoshimitsu or the Mt. Devil.

O man, i got no reply, do i need to tell how i run this?

please dont post random replies in other parts of the forums to get people to look at your decks. at most put it in a link in your signature.

not to be rude but the deck is fairly bland, its a lot of yoshimitsu's support but its missing some of the best cards he has in his own support and in his symbols' support. you chuck attacks at your opponent, comboing when possible, and probably easily discarding their entire hand unless you run into anti discard cards in peoples sideboards.

To be honest, I like Death for Yoshimitsu * more than I do Order . I know Mt. Devil Divider is kind of hard to get, but I wouldn't leave home without it. Ever. It's that good. I also like Kazuya Mishima* 's character-specific support to muscle in some extra damage and thus take advantage of the fact that you can blast hands empty almost at will. Here's what I've got so far:

Yoshi Choppa!

Starting Character:

Yoshimitsu* (6 HS 26 Vitality) ( Death , Order , Void )

Other Characters (4):

4 Zhao Daiyu** (6/6 +0M) (Chaos, Death , Evil)

Attacks (20):

4 Two Deadly Rings Technique (2/3 2M2 +3M; Breaker: 2, Ranged, Stun: 2) (Chaos, Death , Evil)

4 Deathcopter Attack (4/3 3H5 +1M; Combo, Weapon) ( Death , Order , Void )

4 Lion Slayer (4/2 4M5 +1H; Combo, Punch) (Chaos, Death , Evil)

4 Spinning Demon (4/3 3L4 +1L; Kick, Multiple: 1) (Chaos, Death , Void )

4 Mt. Devil Divider (5/2 3H6 +2L; Weapon) ( Death , Order , Void )

Foundations (36):

4 Brooding (1/5 +3H) ( Death , Earth, Fire)

4 Cursed Blood (1/4 +3L) ( Death , Good, Order )

4 Treacherous Offspring (1/5) (Chaos, Death , Evil)

4 Contemplating (2/5) (All, Death , Order )

4 Maniacal Laughter (2/5 +3H) (Chaos, Death , Earth)

4 Merciless Fighter (2/4) (Chaos, Death , Evil)

4 Perfect Sense of Balance (2/5) (Air, Death , Life)

4 The Hunt is On (2/5) (Chaos, Death , Evil)

4 War Between Sisters (3/5 +3M) (Air, Death , Void )

It has more 2 checks that some people are comfortable with (and I'd like to have a few more blocks), but it looks pretty good for a first draft. See if you can glean anything from it. If you don't like Lion Slayer , Spiral Blade looks like a pretty good replacement (same block zone, flips a 3, has a good Combo E , etc...).

nice, i like that, i was going off of Floode d-Nile + Master of Ninjitsu , makes them lose 4 life and i get +2dmg to my next range attack, play Evil Mist or Bad Stomach which i rather have Evil Mist lose 2 life if they dont block, next use financial troubles just to get 2 cards or make them lose 1, then DeathCopter. But it i dont have the foundation ill start off with Crushing Embrace of the Jotun to get ride of there hand. i try to go cheap and easy way with the deck basic off the cards i have. Risky Fighting Style on DeathCopter cause they cant block.

griderdog1 said:

nice, i like that, i was going off of Floode d-Nile + Master of Ninjitsu , makes them lose 4 life and i get +2dmg to my next range attack, play Evil Mist or Bad Stomach which i rather have Evil Mist lose 2 life if they dont block, next use financial troubles just to get 2 cards or make them lose 1, then DeathCopter. Risky Fighting Style on DeathCopter cause they cant block. But if i dont have the foundation ill start off with Crushing Embrace of the Jotun to get ride of there hand. I try to go cheap and easy way with the deck basic off the cards i have, but i like ur idea, would not have 4 Mt. Devil Divider just 2 and there hard to get like Death Copter .