Yoshimitsu *
Contemplating x 4
Excellent Thief x 4
Risky fighting Style x 4
Meditating in Battle x 4
Financial Troubles x 4
war between sisters x 4
For Justice x 4
Master of NinJitsu x 4
Bad Stomach x 4
Deathcopter Attack x 4
Flooded-nile Throw x 4
Evil Mist x 4
Crushing Embrace of the Jotun x 4
Pavilion x 2
Yoshimitsu x 2
Flea x 3
tell me what cha think, 5 star deck so i know legacy he can be way better and when i get da cards, iam takeing out flees and putting in 2 mor Pavilions and 1 more Yoshimitsu or the Mt. Devil.